Explore Giving Opportunities
College of Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (CSTEM)
$100 Women+ Strong Scholarship
$A. E. Weissenborn Geology Scholarship Fund
$Anna K. Dvorak Memorial Fund
$Benjamin T. Sims Scholarship Endowment
$Biology Department
$Biology Memorial Scholarship
$Bonnie and Nathan Narrance Math Scholarship
$CSTEM Scholars Undergraduate Research Fund
$Chemistry/Biochemistry Department
$Christian and Kelly Hansen Scholarship
$Computer Science Alumni Endowment
$Computer Science Department
$Computer Science Student Opportunities Fund
$Cybersecurity Student Opportunities Endowment
$Dave Holmes Scholarship
$Design Department
$Diversity Equity Inclusion Cybersecurity Endowment
$EWU MESA (Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement)
$Environmental Science Program
$Felix E. & Charles V. Mutschler Scholarship Fund
$Fox Trot Scholarship
$Geosciences Department
$Geosciences Student Research Fund
$Inspired Mathematics Teacher Fund
$Jeff Donnerberg STEM Student-Athlete Fund
$ME/MET Alumni Endowment Fund
$Mathematics Department
$Matthew Manville Memorial Scholarship
$Mechanical Engineering & Technology
$Paleontology & Taphonomy Research & Travel Fund
$Physics Department
$Pierce Alvin Yim Excellence Fund
$Psychology Department
$Randy Park Graduate Fellowship
$Ray Hamel Endowed Computer Science Scholarship
$Rogers High School-EWU STEM Synergy Fund
$STEM Interclub Student Council Fund
$Seth & Deena Dryden Scholarship
$University District Catalyst Building Fund
$Wellness & Movement Sciences Department (formerly PEHR)
$Women in Computing Degrees Endowment
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Please note that a gift fee will be assessed on your generous contribution. Generated funds are utilized to fund foundation activities and fundraising initiatives. The full foundation fees policy can be found at ewu.edu/FoundationFees.