Category: Impact of Gifts
Albert “Al” Watson

During the 1967-1968 academic year, few ROTC cadets doubted they were training for duty in Vietnam. Eastern Washington State College had the third-largest ROTC program in the nation. That program would produce one of the finest leaders to wear the U.S. Army uniform, Albert “Al” Watson. Al was part of Eastern ROTC while he was…
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Alek Gayton & Deacon Band

One man plays drums. The other plays power tools. Both call Eastern “home.” You might think that the owner of a construction company who teaches construction management courses at EWU would have little in common with a music major who will play drums for a living. But this is Eastern, a close-knit community where people…
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Felicia Boyer

In a few years, after Felicia Boyer earns her degree in nursing, she hopes to offer hope and joy to the sick and suffering, wherever they live. “I hope to travel and help people in third-world countries, but I also would like to help the less fortunate in the U.S.,” she said. “Donors’ contributions to my college…
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Amanda DeBleeker

One of Amanda DeBleeker‘s favorite things to do is spend time with her 92-year-old grandmother. “She is my inspiration,” Amanda said. “With the help of the scholarship I received, I will someday be able to give older adults some of the care and love my grandmother has shown me.” Amanda’s interest in psychology, social work, and aging…
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EAF Donors Help Eagles Bring Their A-Game

Scholarships you provided for Eastern Washington University student-athletes through donations to the Eagle Athletic Fund have had an incredible impact on performance on fields, courts, and in the classroom! In the fall quarter of 2014, EWU student-athletes had a collective 3.25 grade point average (GPA) with a total of 28 receiving a perfect 4.0 GPA.…
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Barbara Shields & Hannah Seagrave

Generations apart, two EWU alumnae define success in very similar ways: Barbara Shields, 84, says, “It’s being the best you can be.” Hannah Seagrave, 21, says, “Success is not how high your GPA is or how many years it takes to gain a diploma, rather it is a valuable accomplishment because success means you did…
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Rebekah Weber

Thanks to Eastern Washington University alumni, Rebekah Weber is happy, successful, and teaching developmentally-delayed children. As the seventh of 10 children in her family, Rebekah grew up in Newport, Washington. After high school, she moved to Spokane, where she earned a community college associate’s degree. “By the time I enrolled at Eastern, I had been…
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Banking on Success

Eastern alumni Terry Neal ’85 and David Van Belle ’12, ’86, of US Bank in Spokane, had the opportunity to meet the three recipients of the bank’s Accounting and Finance Scholarship. They saw firsthand how the scholarship awards affect the lives of the recipients. Yvonne Clark ’15, BA accounting, shared her story with them. After many years away…
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Margaret (Beckman) & Alfred Fettig

Margaret (Beckman) Fettig passed away in 2012 after a long and courageous battle with cancer at the age of 75. She knew the value of education firsthand, both as a student and as a teacher, and gave her entire life to educating children. Margaret met her husband, Alfred Fettig, while both were teaching at North…
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Celebrating Our Library Sponsors

Every year, almost every Eastern student and most faculty members visit EWU Libraries – at the 153,000-square-foot JFK Library and online. Why do people donate money to support EWU Libraries? Read their stories, in their words. When we look through the eyes of our generous donors and why they give to the EWU Libraries, it…
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