Rick Allen

Students walk past Patterson Hall

Rick Allen has spent his life making a difference. Working his way through college by bailing hay, washing dishes and digging ditches, he earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism at Eastern in 1969. But that was only the beginning of an amazing career that has impacted the lives of many.

Later, he received a Master in Interpersonal Communication from Ohio University and a Master and Doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. In addition to his long career in higher education and what can best be described as community reform and development, Rick was an officer in the U.S. Army and trained with Special Forces.

Rick is a teacher, a mentor, and a relentless community and child advocate who has transformed communities. Under Rick’s 21 years of leadership as CEO of United Way of Pierce County, the agency moved from a relatively simple fundraising model of collect-and-disburse to a model focused on specific issues such as early childhood development. Rick is passionate about early childhood education. “The first eight years of a child’s life sets the tone,” he said. “As a community, we need to pour more resources into these years. Somewhere, a child needs to find the love and mentoring needed to set that tone. If not by their parents, by someone.”

Congratulations, Rick, on earning the 2014 EWU Alumni Award, Alumnus of Service.