Felicia Boyer

Smiling young girls with their kits

In a few years, after Felicia Boyer earns her degree in nursing, she hopes to offer hope and joy to the sick and suffering, wherever they live. “I hope to travel and help people in third-world countries, but I also would like to help the less fortunate in the U.S.,” she said. “Donors’ contributions to my college scholarships have made my dreams much more attainable.”

When Felicia Boyer isn’t in class or studying, she works as an office aide in the EWU President’s Office and volunteers as the leader of a middle school girls’ group at her church.

“I serve as a healthy role model and voice for navigating through life as I talk with the girls about issues they’re facing,” Felicia said. “We frequently work on service projects in the community. Several times each year, we volunteer at Mission Community Outreach Center in Spokane, which is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to give out free clothes and hygiene products for low-income families.”