Greta Olson

Entrance to the EWU Spokane Center

Greta Olson benefitted greatly from a scholarship that helped her pursue a double major in professional accounting and management information systems. Her skills will make her more employable, enable her to provide beneficial services to clients after she passes the CPA exam, and help her make significant contributions in her ambitious volunteer work.

Greta Olson was the 2013 president of EWU Beta Alpha Psi, an honorary organization for accounting, finance, and management information systems students. While at EWU, she also dedicated community service time as chair, Spokane Chapter, Sierra Club Inner City Outings; Chase Youth Foundation Board of Directors; Riverside State Park Foundation Board of Directors; and marketing coordinator, Spokane Marathon. “I plan to continue my volunteer work with these organizations as an EWU alumna,” she said.

When the professional accounting and management information systems major learned that she would be a scholarship recipient, she felt validated for her hard work. “It helped make all of the time and effort I put into school worth it,” Greta said. “The scholarship helped me greatly in keeping my student loans low. I will now have more disposable income as an alumna to donate back to Eastern.

“Thank you very much for selecting me as a scholarship recipient. Not only did the scholarship help me financially, but it also motivated me to keep working hard my senior year. I hope to continue to earn the esteem conferred to me as a scholarship recipient by building a successful career and continuing to give back to my community.

“I believe it is important to support the organizations that helped me succeed. Consequently, I think alumni should give back financially to EWU. It’s a way to ensure that future students will receive the same quality education and higher education experience that current alumni experienced.”