Kassidy Van Berkum

Facade of the EWU Spokane Health Sciences Building

EWU student, Kassidy Van Berkum, would not be at Eastern if it weren’t for a dream, determination, and donor support. Like so many little girls, Kassidy wanted to be a nurse when she grew up. Unlike the girls who later changed their minds, opting for veterinarian, teacher, or astronaut, she hung onto her dream.

As the years passed, her life experiences strengthened her desire to one day become a pediatric oncology nurse.

Not long ago, Kassidy received news that her dad was diagnosed for the second time with liver cancer.

“Watching him go through surgeries and chemotherapies has fueled my fire, even more, to be there for people like him when they are sick,” she said. “I want to care for them when it isn’t the greatest day they’ve had.”

Her determination to become a nurse matched her willingness to sacrifice to save money for college. “I have worked hard to save up money for college almost my whole life, working on my family’s farm since I can remember,” Kassidy said. “My parents taught me how to work hard and how to budget. They want me to be able to finish college as debt-free as possible.”

As her savings began to dwindle, her parents helped her make ends meet. “I’m thankful that they want to help me pay for school, but knowing they have medical bills to pay, and farming isn’t always the most successful job makes it difficult for me to accept what they can spare.”

When Kassidy received her scholarship award letter, her heavy heart was buoyed with relief, happiness, and excitement. “I can’t express enough gratitude for this scholarship,” she said. “I am so grateful to have been selected, and I hope to someday pay it forward when I reach my goal of becoming a nurse.”