Archive: stories

Powerful Results

Eastern Washington University banner against a background of fall foliage

Your donations to scholarships have powerful results. Some Eastern students have endured unimaginable, difficult past experiences. What directions would their

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Feel the Joy!

Swoop on a sunny day

Feel the joy! In one day of EWU’s first Giving Joy Day (November 29, 2016), more than one-quarter million dollars

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Thanks to Donors Like You

Salmon swimming in a river

Thanks to donors like you, students are expanding their horizons, following their passions, and landing their dream jobs in their

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“She Came From This, and Became This”

Photo: Celian "CeCe" George

CeCe George had a dress. As orphans in Haiti, she and her brother sometimes ate clay from the ground just

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Engineering Student Prints 3-D Prosthetic Arm for Local Fifth-Grader

Photo: 3D printer with piece of prosthetic arm

Shannon Kellam is a full-time engineering student at EWU, president of the Rocketry Club, and a single mother to a

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Two Students You Inspired to Be Awesome

Photo: Fountain outside of the library

Mykel Vanek overcame childhood leukemia. Dante Tyler is coping with his mom’s serious health challenges. Both faced financial obstacles that

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Thank You, Eagles!

Student and Pat Spanjer posing outside the library on Giving Joy Day

Thank you, Eagles for your tremendous support for our second annual Giving Joy Day! Together, we raised a grand total

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Kalispel Tribe of Indians

Photo: smiling crowd of students at a EWU Football game

Thank you, Kalispel Tribe of Indians, for your continued support of Eastern Washington University student success. “Us all working together,

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Crystal’s Dream is Coming True, Thanks to EWU!

Students look at specimens through microscopes

Crystal’s dream is to become a pediatrician. At Eastern, she has found many great opportunities to further her education, from

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Being Part of a Family, But Also Making an Impact

Students cross campus on a sunny morning

After a near-deadly car accident in her first year of college, Josie Ledbeter discovered what is truly important to her

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