Archive: stories

Kristen Nolan

Rolling hills of the Palouse Prairie behind campus

EWU urban and regional planning student, Kirsten Nolan, knows firsthand about the incREDible power a scholarship has in the life

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Justin Von Hagel

A female student works with robotic equipment

Justin Von Hagel has been a consistent presence on the EWU campus in the College of Science, Health, and Engineering.

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Ryan Walters

Photo: Men posing outside in black dress shirts and red ties

Ryan Walters has donated countless hours, talents, and knowledge for the betterment of the young men of Sigma Phi Epsilon

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Albert “Al” Watson

Aerial shot of campus, half black and white original and half new.

During the 1967-1968 academic year, few ROTC cadets doubted they were training for duty in Vietnam. Eastern Washington State College

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Alek Gayton & Deacon Band

EWU student playing the drums

One man plays drums. The other plays power tools. Both call Eastern “home.” You might think that the owner of

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Felicia Boyer

Smiling young girls with their kits

In a few years, after Felicia Boyer earns her degree in nursing, she hopes to offer hope and joy to the sick

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Amanda DeBleeker

Facade of Martin Hall

One of Amanda DeBleeker‘s favorite things to do is spend time with her 92-year-old grandmother. “She is my inspiration,” Amanda said. “With

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EAF Donors Help Eagles Bring Their A-Game

Aerial shot of Roos Field

Scholarships you provided for Eastern Washington University student-athletes through donations to the Eagle Athletic Fund have had an incredible impact

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Barbara Shields & Hannah Seagrave

Panoramic view of campus on a snowy afternoon

Generations apart, two EWU alumnae define success in very similar ways: Barbara Shields, 84, says, “It’s being the best you

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Rebekah Weber

Facade of the EWU Library with cherry trees in bloom

Thanks to Eastern Washington University alumni, Rebekah Weber is happy, successful, and teaching developmentally-delayed children. As the seventh of 10

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