Sarah (Glaser) Burns

Entry to Senior Hall with students going to class

The true impact of your gifts to the EWU Foundation can be seen every day in our communities. We recently caught up with Sarah (Glaser) Burns, the first recipient of the EWU Retirees Association Golden Eagle Scholarship (2004-05). She graduated from EWU in 2005 with a BA in Social Work, magna cum laude. Here is what she is up to:

“Things are going well for me. I am currently working as a data collector and research coordinator for Spokane County Head Start. I am working on a research study that Head Start has partnered with WSU’s AHEC (Area Health and Education Center) that is measuring ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) in preschool-aged children and their adult caregivers. The study will compare number of ACEs to the child’s social/emotional, cognitive, reading, math, and fine/gross motor skills. We are also testing two parenting interventions. I hope to continue to work in research in the area of trauma/ACE exposure.

“I am also completing my MBA (winter quarter 2015) through Eastern. Yay! I am also giving my time for nonprofit work through The ARC of Spokane and the YWCA.”