Tawanka Scholar

Entry to Showalter Hall

Tawanka scholar, Sarah Tiffany, shared:

“Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to become a teacher. A teacher sets up a child’s life. I always loved school so I want to give back and make school a fun and positive environment so other kids have the same experience I did.

“Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus on my practicum and student teaching. These are almost full-time jobs in themselves; especially student teaching. I want to give my full heart and soul to my students to provide them with the best experience possible. This scholarship will help me succeed at a lifetime of giving.

“Being selected as a Tawanka scholar shows me that others who believe in teaching believe in me. I am so thankful for your generosity. I am student teaching now and will graduate in the spring. Each day I spend as a student teacher with my Kindergarten students, I become more excited about having my own classroom. I’m counting down the days to graduation!”