Steps to Graduation

Steps to Graduation

Congratulations! You're almost done - simply follow the steps to receive your degree.


Check Your Degree Audit

Check your degree audit with Degree Works to ensure you are on track to complete all necessary courses. Have all substitutions marked. If you have any X, Y, or XC grades, you will need to contact your instructor to get these changed before the end of your graduating term. Any X, Y, or XC grades remaining at the end of intended graduating term will result in the rejection of the graduation application for that term.

Students must have a 3.0 GPA in order to submit a graduation application.


Apply to Graduate

This application is an indication by the student that all university requirements will be met by the graduation date of the selected term. Applications are only rejected if all coursework and program requirements have not been met by the end of the indicated graduating term. Once your graduation application has been submitted it will be viewable via EagleNET and Degree Works. Previously submitted graduation applications can be viewed on your EagleNET account. Click the “Student” tab, then click the “Student Records” tab, then see “View Previously Submitted Graduation Applications.” Your graduation status will also be viewable on your Degree Works audit.

A) Apply to Graduate: Graduation Application Instructions*
If you are an online accelerated student, select the quarter in which your final session occurs. (Example: if final session is Spring I, then select “Spring Quarter.”)

Check the appropriate Academic Calendar for deadlines.

If the term you would like to graduate in is not available on EagleNET due to the deadline having passed, submit your graduation application for the next available term and then fill out the Request to Move My Graduation form. This form can only be used to change your graduation date after a graduation application has been submitted.

In order to be eligible for your degree/certificate, you will need to pay all outstanding fees and apply to graduate.

To apply for graduation, follow these steps:

  1. Open EagleNET.
  2. Select “Student Records” and click “Apply to Graduate”.
  3. Read and follow all instructions.
  4. The first page (“Curricula Selection) will ask you to select a term (being the current term or the term you were most recently enrolled in) and your most recent programs.
  5. The second page will ask you to select your Graduation Date. (This is the date that will be printed as your degree award date on your transcript and on your diploma.)
  6. The graduation fee will be charged to your student account.
  7. Once submitted, be sure to check your Degree Works audit and contact your faculty for additional questions.
If you need to change your Graduation Date, please complete a Request to Move My Graduation form. Graduation application must be on file in order to move your graduation date.
*If you want your name in the 2024-2025 Commencement Bulletin, please read Step 4 below.
B) Pay your $56 Graduation Fee** and any outstanding account fees on EagleNET

You will not receive your diploma/certificate until all account fees have been paid.

**If you are an online accelerated student you should not be charged for this fee. If you do see this fee, please contact Graduate Programs Office at If you have already paid this fee, please contact Student Financial Services at for a refund.


Prepare Your Defense

If you are in a program with a comprehensive evaluation that requires a defense, you will need to fill out the Third Committee Member Request form found below. Third committee member assignments are only sent to you the quarter you defend, and after you have applied to graduate. Once you have your third member you will need to fill out and complete a TRA (Terminal Research Approval) Form* and submit it via email to the Graduate Programs Office ( 

*incomplete forms will be immediately sent back to the student. It is the student’s responsibility to completely fill out the form and to acquire the proper signatures. 

Third Committee Member Request Form

Reasons Your Graduation May Be Delayed:

If your expected program completion time is delayed until the next term, you must wait to take your final comprehensive examination until your final term.

If you have passed your final comprehensive examination, but still have not satisfied outstanding degree requirements two weeks after the end of the term, you will be moved to the next term for graduation.



Congratulations! For dates of the ceremony, information on ordering caps and gowns, and diplomas watch for an email from the Commencement Team or check the EWU Commencement page for updates. For more information about how to get your Cap and Gown, please visit the Eagle Store.

The deadline date to submit your name for the 2024-2025 Commencement Bulletin is April 25, 2025.

*Graduate Certificate students are not included in the commencement bulletin as commencement only recognizes students who have earned baccalaureate, master’s, professional, or doctoral degrees.


Receive Your Diploma/Certificate

After all Grad Office requirements, academic program department requirements, and financial obligations to the institution have been met, then your diploma/certificate will be sent to the address you submitted in your graduation application. Diplomas and certificates will be shipped out at the end of each term* after all students have been awarded their degree. Diploma delivery typically takes up to four to six weeks after degrees have been conferred.

*Online accelerated students who finish during session one will not receive their diploma/certificate until the end of the full term

Diploma Reorder

EWU partners with Michael Sutter Company for diploma printing and reordering.

  • To request a replacement printed or e-diploma, please go to
  • You will need your EWU ID number and the Secure ID that was provided to you when you graduated. If you do not know your Secure ID, you will be able to request one at
  • The reprinted replacement diploma fee is $35.
  • Diploma reorders typically take two to three weeks for processing and delivery.

E-diplomas are electronic PDF diplomas that have Adobe blue-ribbon security and can be forwarded to provide degree verification.