EWU in the High School
What is EWU in the High School?
You Can Start Early
Eligible freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors can earn high school and college credit at the same time.
Eligibility RequirementsNo Traveling
Students stay at the high school for class. Courses are free to all public school students or $65 per credit for all private school students.
Tuition & FeesGreat Courses
Students can take real EWU courses, completing the same curriculum students complete in an on-campus class.
Offer Courses at Your SchoolTrained Instructors
Classes are taught by qualified instructors, approved and trained by EWU academic departments.
Become an InstructorAdditional Benefits
- Testing is not required to earn credit.
- Students gain first-hand experience with college curriculum.
- Credits transfer to Washington state universities and community colleges, as well as to most other universities.
- Students register with their high school teachers.
We adhere to the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnership (NACEP) accreditation standards.
- Courses are free to all public school students, or $65 per credit for private school students. Taking the same course after high school as a college student usually costs over $1,200!
- EWU in the High School pays for all testing and course fees.

Getting Started
Register for Courses (Public School)
If you're a new student in Public School, please complete the application.
Course RegistrationDates & Deadlines
There are some important dates and deadlines to know for the registration process!
See SchedulesTestimonials
Great to Work With
“EWU has really been great to work with. You really understand the mutual benefits of dual enrollment and offer assistance rather than putting up barriers to implementation.”
Vance Jennings
Naches Valley High School
Continued Improvement
“Thank you so much for all that you and your office do for our kids. We love having the option of offering legit university credits right on our campus, it’s helped a ton. We also appreciate the continued efforts for improvement with adding courses, professional development for staff, checkups, etc. This is such a great option for us.”
Kyle Miller
Columbia High School
Beneficial Subject Matter
“Thank you for the opportunity to teach College in the High School Psychology. The experience was VERY beneficial for both students earning EWU credit and students who aren’t. The subject matter allowed us to spend time talking about how to time manage, how to learn, and how to self-correct. All of my students are much better prepared to take the next step to college whether they earned college credit or not.”
Jeff Dunn
Deer Park High School
Increased Confidence
“By helping students realize that they are capable of managing higher-level coursework, we instill confidence and help inspire them to continue their pursuit of a higher education.”
Joe Pauley
Central Valley High School