For High Schools
Offer Courses at Your School
Thinking about offering EWU courses at your high school? Let us know! We are here to help answer questions and work through the details.
Interested in taking a tour?
Become an EWU in the High School Instructor
- Africana Education: AAST 200, AAST 214, AAST 215, AAST 220, AAST 301, AAST 375, AAST 381, AAST 430
- American Sign Language: ASL 101, ASL 102, ASL 103
- Anthropology: ANTR 201, ANTR 203, ANTR 204
- Art: ART 225
- Biology: BIOL 100, BIOL 232
- Chemistry: CHEM 100, CHEM 171, CHEM 171L
- Chicano/a/x Studies: CHST 202, CHST 218
- Computer Science: CSCD 110, CSCD 210,
- Communication Studies: CMST 201, CMST 208, CMST 212, CMST 241
- Creative Writing: CRWR 210
- Cybersecurity: CYBR 101
- Design: DESN 100, DESN 216
- Economics: ECON 100
- Education: EDUC 201
- Engineering: MENG 217, METC 110
- English: ENGL 101, ENGL 170, ENGL 201
- Environmental Science: ENVS 100
- French: FREN 101, FREN 102, FREN 103
- Geoscience: GEOS 100, GEOS 200, GEOS 230
- German: GERM 101, GERM 102, GERM 103
- History: HIST 102, HIST 103, HIST 105, HIST 106, HIST 111, HIST 112
- Indian Studies: IDST 380
- Japanese: JAPN 103, JAPN 201
- Leadership: CMST 203
- Mathematics: MATH 107, MATH 121, MATH 141, MATH 142, MATH 161
- Music: MUSC 212, MUSC 213, MUSC 356
- Philosophy: PHIL 211, PHIL 213, PHIL 214
- Physical Education: PHED 150, PHED 152, PHED 256, PHED 335, PHED 348
- Political Science: POLI 100, POLI 203, POLI 204, INST 200
- Psychology: PSYC 100
- Spanish: SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 103, SPAN 201
The following department qualification requirements are the same for both adjuncts and EWU in the HS instructors. When applying, please make sure to address how you meet these qualifications in your cover letter, resumé or other documentation.
- Africana Education
- American Sign Language
- Anthropology
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chicano/a/x Studies
- Computer Science
- Communication Studies
- Cybersecurity
- Design
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering
- English/Creative Writing/Technical Communications
- Environmental Science
- French
- Geoscience
- German
- History
- Japanese
- Mathematics
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Spanish
The Instructor Responsibility Contract outlines our expectations for you as an EWU in the HS instructor. You’ll submit your signed contract as part of Step 3.
If your school already offers EWU in the High School courses, then you’re ready to get going! If not, send us an information request before following the steps below.
For Current Instructors
- Instructor Handbook
- Instructor Responsibilities Contract
- Registering Students for Your Class
- EWU Faculty Commons: Resources for Professors
- How to Enter Grades: A Video Tutorial
- EagleNET Faculty Guide
- EWU Canvas Instructor Support
- Changing Start and End Dates in Canvas
- How to Use Canvas Orientation (student side)
- EWU Library Orientation
- Syllabus Information
- Summary of NACEP CPF Standards
- Creating an Authentic College Classroom
- 504/IEP Information & College in the High School
- Site Visit Form 2024-2025
- Site Visit Submission Form
- Procedures & Policies
- Course Confirmation Roster Form
- Drop/Withdrawal Form
For Counselors
- Parent Flyer (English and Spanish)
- Parent Welcome Letter: English or Spanish
- The Impact of Academic Advising on Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Students: A NACADA-NACEP Collaborative Webinar
- 504/IEP Information & College in the High School
- EWU Transfer Guide
- Dual Credit Tracking Sheet
- EWU AP Score Chart
- EWU General Education Credit Requirements
- Placement Requirements for: ENGL 101, 201 and MATH 107, 141, 142, 161
- Math Placement Test
- Procedures & Policies
General Resources
Professional Development Day
Every year, EWU in the High School instructors have the opportunity to learn from EWU staff and faculty. Each annual Professional Development Day includes helpful updates on EWU resources, processes and more.
Stay tuned for info regarding the next Professional Development Day!