For High Schools

Offer Courses at Your School

Thinking about offering EWU courses at your high school? Let us know! We are here to help answer questions and work through the details.

Get More Info

Interested in taking a tour?

Become an EWU in the High School Instructor

The Instructor Responsibility Contract outlines our expectations for you as an EWU in the HS instructor. You’ll submit your signed contract as part of Step 3.


2025-2026 Instructor Application

2025-2026 Application closes May 1, 2025.


If your school already offers EWU in the High School courses, then you’re ready to get going! If not, send us an information request before following the steps below.

Professional Development Day

Every year, EWU in the High School instructors have the opportunity to learn from EWU staff and faculty. Each annual Professional Development Day includes helpful updates on EWU resources, processes and more.

Stay tuned for info regarding the next Professional Development Day!