We provide current EWU students, faculty, and staff access to materials not available at our library. Summit materials automatically appear catalog search requests. We borrow and loan physical materials through the Orbis Cascade Alliance (a consortium of 38 colleges and universities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho). Delivery of Summit materials take up to eight business days. Summit loans are twelve-weeks long, and are eligible for one six-week renewal. Textbook loans are not guaranteed.
Extended Summit Services for EWU students, staff, and faculty: Online-only, Spokane/Bellevue campus only, or involved in EWU distance education (outside the Cheney/Spokane area)? We have delivery options to accommodate your needs. Visit our website to learn more!
Contact Summit Services via email or in-person at the JFK main floor circulation desk.
509.359.7888 | summit@ewu.edu | research.ewu.edu/summit-services