Tag: Student Work Display
(Hidden) Truths Exhibition | ART 313: Art Through Time

Where does truth lie? Artists enrolled in ART 313: Art Through Time explored the notion of hidden truth–a conceptual thread referencing the Hermeneutics of Suspicion that weaves throughout Modernism. Painting, sculpture, photography, collage, digital illustration, and textile-based practices were employed to navigate this theme. Additionally, the artists engaged in scholarly research as a creative process…
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Scattered Narratives: A Student Works Exhibit

Students investigated the many written components necessary to create text for art shows, gallery exhibits, and museum collections. Throughout this project, students created their own narratives to describe the visual art in the exhibit, understanding that narratives take both visual and textual form. On display now through January 10, 2025.
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Get Out the Vote | Student Works Poster Show

View over seventy Get Out the Vote posters created by EWU Design Students. The posters are non-partisan, designed to rally the youth vote. On display through election day.
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Rococo Repoussé: Student Work Display, ART 313

The students of ART 313 “Art Across Time: 17th century-Present” investigated the complex nuances associated with the Rococo movement. Examining French aristocracy, the influence of 18th century Chinese design, and exploring the delicate intricacies of passion, students dove into the labyrinth of iconography that is “Rococo.” While conducting scholarly research on specific works of art,…
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Fresco Secco to Buon Fresco: Student Work Display
November 21, 2023

The students of ART 312 “Art Across Time: Prehistory-17th Century” have engaged with the rise of Fresco Secco (dry fresco) and the transition to Buon Fresco (wet fresco) in ancient art. Upon learning about frescoes created by the ancient Minoans through the Roman Empire, students conducted research into the techniques, purpose, and locations of specific…
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Early Writing and Cylinder Seals: Student Work Display, ART 312

The students of ART 312 “Art Across Time: Prehistory-17th century” spent weeks engaged in the analysis of artifacts containing ancient writing. Ranging from Sumerian Cuneiform to Egyptian hieroglyphics, students not only ascertained how early writing cultivated cultural progress, but investigated unique methodologies employed to disperse ancient text, such as cylinder seals. Each student conducted independent…
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Art Prints from Students in Summer Bridge
September 21, 2023

Summer Bridge at EWU, designed for incoming freshmen, provided an opportunity to explore campus, meet faculty and staff, and get an early glimpse at our amazing services, programs, and campus life! One Summer Bridge segment had the chance to sample printmaking with the EWU Art Department. These student works are on display in the JFK…
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