Request and Borrow Materials

Circulation Services

Circulation staff facilitate many building and borrowing operations, including equipment check-out, user accounts, Interlibrary Loan and Summit Services, (see descriptions below), course reserves, proctoring services, study room use, space monitoring, and lost and found. Contact this service point with service, noise, or building concerns.



Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

For items not found in our shared catalog, ILL staff make requests on behalf of EWU students, faculty, and staff. Request processing takes up to five days for articles and up to 10 days for books.

 509.359.2492 ||


Summit Services

We provide current EWU students, faculty, and staff access to materials not available at our library. Summit materials automatically appear catalog search requests. We borrow and loan physical materials through the Orbis Cascade Alliance (a consortium of 38 colleges and universities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho). Delivery of Summit materials take up to eight business days. Summit loans are twelve-weeks long, and are eligible for one six-week renewal. Textbook loans are not guaranteed.

Extended Summit Services: We have delivery options for EWU students, staff, and faculty who are online-only, Spokane/Bellevue only, and those involved in EWU distance education outside the Cheney/Spokane area. Visit our guide to learn more.

Contact Summit Services via phone, email, or in-person at the JFK main floor circulation desk. | 509.359.7888 |

Guidelines and User Policies

Our primary purpose is to support the curricula of the University and scholarly activities by providing access to information and to works of the intellect and imagination. The Libraries are a shared utility for the entire university community.

EWU Libraries’ circulation policies are based on the following principles:

  1. Materials should be available for the use of more than one student during an academic quarter.
  2. Some categories of materials that are high-demand, expensive, and/or difficult to replace may not circulate. These items may be used by patrons in the library only.
  3. To provide maximum accessibility to an individual title, the Libraries may, with sufficient warning, recall a circulating item requested by another library user, or not permit the current user to renew the circulation.
  4. Some categories of library users may have special circumstances. For example, graduate students working on theses may need materials for somewhat longer periods, in order to complete the academic requirements at their level, than do undergraduate students.
  5. The Libraries may assess service charges or fees when library users do not return materials as specified by circulation policies. The purposes of these charges are, first, to encourage compliance with the policies and thereby make the materials available to more library users, and second, to recover part of the staff and supplies costs of issuing and monitoring overdue materials and replacing items not returned.
  6. Library users are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by circulation policies.

For EWU students and staff:

Location/SourceType of MaterialLoan PeriodRenewal Period
Materials at EWU Books (general stacks/new)12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
CD-ROMs12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Curriculum Center materials12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Equipment (ex. laptops)Varies; see the equipment catalog.Varies; see the equipment catalog.
Music scores12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Periodicals (bound)In-library use only
Periodicals (CD-ROMs/computer disks)In-library use only
Periodicals (current)In-library use only
Reference CD-ROMs/computer disks In-library use only
Reference materialsIn-library use only
Sound recordings (LPs, CDs, cassettes)12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Special collections materialsIn-library use only
U.S. government publications12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Videos (cassettes/DVDs)12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Interlibrary Loan MaterialsVariesSee the interlibrary loan guide.See the interlibrary loan guide.
Summit MaterialsSummit print materials12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Summit videos (cassettes/DVDs)12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks

Exceptions: If an item has a hold in place, the loan cannot be renewed. An EWU graduate student currently preparing a thesis/research project may check out twelve-week circulating materials for 90 days (with option of two renewal periods if no other requests for said material has been received.)

For EWU faculty/grad-thesis students:

Location/SourceType of MaterialLoan PeriodRenewal Period
Materials at EWUBooks (general stacks/new)90 days2 renewals of 90 days each
CD-ROMs90 days2 renewals of 90 days each
Curriculum Center materials90 days2 renewals of 90 days each
Music scores90 days2 renewals of 90 days each
Periodicals (bound)3 days (faculty only)0 renewals
Periodicals (CD-ROMs/computer disks)3 days (faculty only) 0 renewals
Periodicals (current)3 days (faculty only)0 renewals
Reference materialsIn-library use only
Reference CD-ROMs/computer disksIn-library use only
Sound recordings (cassettes, CDs, LPs)90 days2 renewals of 90 days each
Special Collections materialsIn-library use only, except by special arrangement
U.S. government publications90 days2 renewals of 90 days each
Videos (cassettes/DVDs)12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Interlibrary Loan MaterialsVariesSee the interlibrary loan guide.See the interlibrary loan guide.
Summit MaterialsSummit print materials12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks
Summit videos (cassettes/DVDs)12 weeks1 renewal of 6 weeks

Note: EWU staff who have teaching responsibilities may be given faculty library privileges, if the affiliated department head makes the request of EWU Libraries’ circulation manager. Individuals who hold the title of assistant dean, associate dean, or dean in Academic Affairs have faculty library privileges.

For community users and Cheney/Spokane area school students under age 18:

Community borrowers receive the same loan periods as EWU undergraduate students and can borrow many of the same materials from the EWU Libraries’ collections, with the exception of video/DVD collection and equipment. 

Community borrowers are not eligible for interlibrary loan or Summit borrowing.

With appropriate identification, residents of the Cheney/Spokane area who are 18 years of age or older may check out materials as outlined above.

Individual students, 12 through 17 years of age may, with the signature of their parent or guardian, may check out materials as outlined above.

When area K-12 classes come to use the Libraries with their teacher, the Libraries will check out most materials (as outlined above) on a card issued to the school; the principal or school librarian is the responsible party for these materials.

Recalls may not be facilitated for community members, schools, or non-EWU students.

Valid identification is required to check out library materials/equipment or claim interlibrary loan (ILL) articles or photocopies. Requirements include:

  • EWU students, faculty, staff: EWUID (Eagle Card)
  • Community borrowers: EWU community borrower card and current picture ID

In the case of obscured, damaged, or missing pictures on the EWUID, an additional picture ID will be required. This additional ID will not serve as a substitute for the EWUID.

In accordance with university policy, EWU Libraries will accept only the ID of the person presenting identification. An Eagle Card belonging to someone other than the person attempting to check out materials/equipment may be confiscated and returned to the Eagle Card Office. University police may be called if library staff suspects the card is stolen.

Spokane/Cheney Area Community Borrowers:

  • 18+ years: Bring your valid current photo ID (such as your driver’s license) and an additional form of showing proof of current address (such as a recent phone or utilities statement) to Cheney’s JFK Library to obtain an EWU Community Borrower Card.
  • To check out materials you need to provide your EWU Community Borrower Card and valid photo ID.
  • Community borrowers receive the same loan periods as EWU undergraduate students and can borrow many of the same materials from the EWU Libraries’ collections, with the exception of video/DVD collection and equipment.
  • Community borrowers are not eligible for interlibrary loan or Summit borrowing.
  • Minors from the Cheney and Spokane area can borrow materials with the signature of their parent or guardian.
  • K-12 classes accompanied by their teacher: Students may borrow materials using a library card issued to the visiting school.  The school principal or school librarian is the responsible party for these materials. *Please note renewals and recalls may not be facilitated in these cases. 

The purpose of the EWU Libraries Collection Development Policy is to guide the selection, acquisition, development, management, measurement, and evaluation of resources in all formats necessary to support the curriculum and research needs of the EWU community. The community shall include, but not be limited to, students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Eastern Washington University. The EWU Libraries is the physical and electronic repository of all resources acquired and these resources remain under its management and control.

EWU Collection Development Policy

As a responsible steward of our financial resources, EWU Libraries is actively engaged in implementing the university’s directive to limit spending to essential expenditures. To see the most current collection cancellations, renewals, and additions, visit the collection resources management guide.

View the Collection Resources Management Guide

Library & Learning Commons Conduct

All users are expected to treat others with respect and dignity and conduct themselves in an appropriate and courteous manner. All users have a right to expect: a safe and pleasant library environment with minimal disruptive activity, access to clean and undamaged library materials, and surroundings free from food and drink mess, tobacco, and alcohol.

The following actions are prohibited: 

  1. Removing or attempting to remove library material or property without proper authorization or check-out.
  2. Mutilating library material by marking, underlining, or removing pages or portions of pages; removing binding, or electronic theft detection devices; injuring or defacing library materials or property in any way.
  3. Creating a disturbance or behaving in a manner which interferes with normal use of the library (including, but not limited to rowdiness, noise, falsely setting off fire alarms, and offensive behavior).
  4. Harassing or threatening library staff or users.
  5. Being in an unauthorized area of the library; remaining in the building after closing or when requested to leave during emergency situations or drills.
  6. Failing to abide by the food and beverage policy (Leave No Trace).
  7. Failing to respect the iZones (noise).
  8. Smoking (or using smokeless tobacco) in the library.
  9. Possession/consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs in the library.
  10. Bringing pets into the library (except guide or service dogs as defined at chapter 70.84 RCW).
  11. Riding wheeled recreational vehicles such as skateboards and roller blades.

(All activities listed above are covered under chapters 172-118, 172-120 and 172-122 of the Washington Administrative Code. Other State and Federal laws may also apply.)


Library employees wearing badges, routinely perform security checks within the building and are in radio contact with the circulation desk.  Please report security concerns or building problems to the circulation desk.

The most common conduct problems revolve around violations of the food and beverage policy, excessive noise, and disruptive cell phone use. The University Police Department is called to handle more serious problems or situations, or as otherwise needed.

Is my borrowing record confidential? Yes, under Washington State law and EWU policy, whether you are an EWU student, staff, faculty, or community member, your library records are confidential. EWU Libraries will not give this information to anyone but you, except with your written consent, or in compliance with a subpoena or search warrant served by a court of competent jurisdiction.

What qualifies as my “written consent”? In this case, “your written consent” means that you have completed and signed the library’s release form.

May I view my child’s library record? No, only your child has access to this information. Borrowing records of all patrons, regardless of age or EWU affiliation, are confidential.

I want to pay for a book that my spouse has lost. Can you tell me what the title is? No, your spouse’s library record is confidential. Library staff can tell you the fee amount, and you can pay the fee on behalf of your spouse, but library staff cannot tell you the title.

Can I call the library on the phone and be told what books I currently have checked out? Staff can tell you how many items you have checked out as well as the related due dates. Since library staff cannot ensure identity over the phone, staff cannot list titles over the phone. Instead, visit the library in-person or view your library account online.

Can my instructor see what materials I have checked out? No, that information is confidential. For example, library staff can inform an instructor how many students have accessed reserve material, but will not provide names of students accessing reserve material.

Can I have someone else check out materials for me? No, only you may check out materials on your library account. Exception: An EWU faculty member may provide proxy cards for graduate assistants, whom may then borrow material on behalf of that faculty member.

Can a friend return my library materials for me and get a receipt showing they have been checked back in? Your friend can return materials to a book drop. However, since library receipts reveal personal and library account information, only you can get a receipt (unless you have signed the library’s release form).

The EWU Libraries support the free exchange of ideas with collections that provide access to a representative selection of materials on all subjects of use or interest to the university mission, in accordance with the ALA Library Bill of RightsFreedom to Read StatementFreedom to View Statement, as well as the ALA Resolution on the Use of Filtering Software in Libraries statement.

EWU Libraries strive to balance access to, and ownership of, information resources that offer the widest possible range of viewpoints.

Material will not be excluded from the collection because of frankness of language or controversial approach; the political, moral or religious, sexual, social, economic, or scientific views expressed; or the race or national origin, politics, or religion of the author.

[Revised, Approved by EWU Library Affairs Council, October 7, 2015]

Note on copyright: While the library will do everything we can to support your courses, we must be cognizant of copyright issues. Please see the EWU Policies listed below for more information. 

EWU 203-02: Copyright Infringement

EWU 302-04: Intellectual Property Management

Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions:

United States law (Title 17, United States Code) governs the use of copyrighted materials.  Under certain conditions, university libraries are permitted to furnish a reproduction to university students and faculty.  These conditions require that the reproduction not be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.  Other uses, including commercial use and any further electronic distribution of the material, may constitute copyright infringement.

Permission must be obtained prior to placing copyrighted materials on course reserve that do not meet fair use. Verification that permission has been obtained for the purpose of placing the material on course reserve at EWU Libraries must accompany the reserve request form.  Note:  It is the instructor’s responsibility to obtain permission to place copyrighted materials that do not meet fair use on course reserve.

Materials that generally do not require copyright permission:

  • Materials that fall under fair use, for a defined purpose and use
  • Instructor-produced exams, syllabi and lecture notes
  • Works in the public domain
  • United States Government works
  • Freeware (not shareware, but software that is actually and expressly available free of restriction)

Materials that generally do require copyright permission:

  • A duplication of a copyrighted work that does not meet fair use
  • A duplication of an entire work or a substantial part of a work
  • A duplication of consumable works, such as standardized tests, exercises, and workbooks
  • Student-produced works, such a research papers and music recitals

Your subject area liaison librarian is also available for consultation.

Are you a student looking for items your instructor has placed on course reserve for your use? Visit the catalog.

EWU faculty members may place materials for courses on reserve at the JFK Circulation Desk. Request reserve service

Reserve Loan Periods

The loan period is designated by the faculty member placing the items on course reserve; loan periods usually range from one to two hours, one to three days, or up to one week.

Course reserve loans can be limited to in-library use only. Reserve materials must be returned directly to the service desk where it was checked out. Students who leave such materials at copiers or elsewhere in the library are subject to reserve charges/fines.

Reserve Sanctions

Items on reserve are high-demand materials; charges/fines for reserve materials are higher than for those for non-reserve materials. See “Fines, Fees, and Damages” policy.

For all reserve items over three days late, associated charges turned over to EWU Student Financial Services for collection:  All accrued charges combined, plus $25 processing fee per book and replacement costs based on the average cost of academic books, adjusted annually, per book, $25 per article.

EWU Libraries strives to protect reserved material. Placement of a faculty member’s personal items on reserve is at the owner’s risk. The Libraries are not responsible for lost or damaged personal items.


The EWU Libraries and Learning Commons are committed to provide and support a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for all members of our diverse campus community. Our commitment reflects the long-standing pledge to DEI within the library profession and incorporates the diversity and inclusion goals of EWU Strategic Plan 2024-2029: Belonging through Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

EWU Libraries and Learning Commons strive to promote the value and importance of DEI and adhere to the principles and practices of DEI among our spaces, collections, services, and personnel throughout the organization:

  • We support the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights affirming that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that seven basic policies should guide their services.
  • We strive to balance access to, and ownership of, information resources that offer the widest possible range of viewpoints.
  • We strive to ensure that our students, faculty and staff have equitable access to our resources.
  • We strive to build a workplace culture that values and recognizes diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the organization as part of the core responsibilities of every employee.
  • We actively participate in and support the celebration of DEI on campus through our diverse collections, inclusive programming, and collaborative efforts with campus and community partnerships.
  • We join our fellow Orbis Cascade Alliance members in affirming our commitment to equity and inclusion:

Read more on our DEI page.

Unlike books, most electronic resources (i.e., EBSCOhost, FirstSearch, ProQuest, and JSTOR) are licensed, not owned, by the library. Publishers and producers of full text electronic resources put restrictions on their use. In general, these restrictions include:

Authorized users:  Currently enrolled students, faculty, staff and walk-in library patrons; Office-campus/remote use is available for many electronic resources to EWU faculty, staff and currently enrolled students who use the Libraries proxy server. Off-campus access is not available to users who are not in the above category, including those with courtesy cards

Permitted use:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Scholarly
  • Research (non-commercial)

Copyright Law: Provisions of Copyright Law, Title 17, See

Prohibited use:

  • Commercial use
  • Systematic downloading or copying
  • Use in course packs without appropriate publisher’s permission
  • Removing or altering copyright notices
  • Additional restrictions on specific licenses may apply. Look at terms of use for other
    limits on any database.

Misuse or violation of a license agreement may result in the termination of access to a full-text electronic resource for the entire EWU campus community. Persons who violate the allowable use of a licensed database may lose library privileges.

For questions about license agreements for specific resources, please contact:

Collection Services

*Revised September 21, 2005

Equipment checkout is cosponsored by EWU Libraries, the Multimedia Commons (MMC), and the EWU Student Tech Fee Committee (STFC).

Eligible users: Currently enrolled EWU students who have paid the quarterly tech fee.

Rationale: The equipment funded through the STFC is not to be used to support faculty or staff activities, or ongoing classroom technological support. Funding for checkout equipment is made possible by the STFC grant awards, and as such is governed by RCW 28B.15.051.

The Libraries and the MMC operate a loan service integrated with existing library services.  Policies and procedures are agreed upon by both the STFC and EWU Libraries.


  • Currently enrolled EWU students may use equipment on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students are guided by the borrowing agreement that each must sign, and the University Acceptable Use policy for electronic equipment and media.
  • Due to limited equipment and high demand, not all loans are eligible for renewal. If available, other equipment (funded by other means) may be borrowed.
  • Students are subject to overdue fines, replacement costs and other sanctions as outlined by the EWU Libraries, as well as the laws and administrative code of Washington State governing the use of state property.
  • In general, students are limited to one of each kind of equipment per ID card.
  • Student Tech Fee Funded equipment is for student use only as per RCW 28B.15.051 which stipulates that the technology fee monies be used “exclusively for technology resources for general students use.”
  • Use of Student Tech Fee funded equipment is not available for faculty and staff use. Student-funded equipment is not intended to support administrative or athletic activities.
  • There is no equipment checkout anytime the automated library system becomes unavailable, such as during a power outage.


  • Current EWU ID and payment of Student Tech Fee are required. In case of obscured, damaged, or missing picture on the EWU ID, an additional picture ID will be requested. This additional ID will not serve as a substitute for the EWU ID for check-out purposes.
  • A check-out agreement will be provided and signature by the patron will confirm his or her knowledge and acceptance of policies and patron obligations.

Sanctions and Charges on Overdue Equipment:

  • All borrowing transactions are subject to the Libraries’ borrowing policies.
  • Fines and sanctions are not intended as replacement funds, but rather as incentive for timely and safe return of all borrowed equipment.
  • Fines structure: (See “Fines, Fees, and Damages” section of policies)
    • All fines are non-refundable.
    • For each day a piece of equipment is overdue, the patron will be charged $20 per major item up to a maximum fine of $140.
    • Equipment items under $200 in value will be charged $10 a day, for a maximum $70.
    • After the seven days, the patron will be charged a maximum fine of $140, replacement costs, and a $25 non-refundable service fee.
    • If an item has been overdue for more than seven days, the charges and patron information will be sent to EWU’s Student Financial Service to be billed for replacement plus all fines and the service fee.
    • Cords, batteries, and other accessories will also be billed if not returned before seven days of overdue status.
    • At the time of billing, the patron’s name may be turned over to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibility as an infraction due to a student’s failure to comply with the policy on student behavior. The Libraries restrict borrowing privileges of any person having been billed for equipment.
    • If equipment is returned in good condition after the point of replacement billing (but within 90 days of the billing date), the replacement cost will be subtracted from the borrower’s library and university accounts. Fines and service charges are not refunded. Replacement refunds are not issued after 90 days from the billing date.
  • Notices will be sent as follows:
    • A due date reminder is issued 2 days before an item becomes overdue.
    • A second reminder is issued on the day the item is due.
    • A notice of replacement billing is issued the 8th day overdue.

Pay for library fines using your InsideEWU account

Call the Circulation Desk at 509.359.7888 for more information. 


At time of billing the Libraries may transfer all associated charges to EWU’s Student Financial Services for collection.

Overdue Books:  Overdue 1 to 14 days, no fine. On 15th day book is considered a lost book. Patron will be charged the $25 processing fee per item, plus replacement costs based on the average cost of academic books (adjusted annually) per book. If the item is returned within four months of the due date, the Libraries will remove or refund replacement charges if a replacement has not been ordered.

Overdue Periodicals/Computer Disks: On 4th day overdue, fines are assessed retroactive to first date overdue. Fine is $5 a day with maximum of $25. After 5 days, all accrued charges, plus $25.00 processing fee per item (refundable if item is returned within 6 months of due date), plus replacement charges.

Overdue Equipment: If an item has been overdue for more than 7 days, the charges and patron information will be sent to EWU’s Student Financial Services to be billed. At the time of billing, patron information may be turned over to EWU’s Office of Student Rights and Responsibility as an infraction of the policy on student behavior. Future borrowing privileges may be restricted. If equipment is returned in good condition after the point of replacement billing, (but within 90 days of the billing date), the replacement cost will be subtracted from the borrower’s library and university account.  Fines and service charges are not refunded. Replacement refunds are not issued after 90 days from the billing date.

We operate our building based on a “Leave No Trace” policy, meaning that consumption of food and beverages is permitted in most public areas of the library, including most general seating areas and in the group study rooms, but that users must leave no trace after consumption. Be respectful of fellow students and other library users by disposing of trash and cleaning up after the beverage or food is consumed. Place all trash in a trash receptacle, or recycle whenever possible. Recycling bins are located throughout the building.

Caution! Spills can be slippery and pose serious safety hazards. Report accidents/spills to the circulation desk immediately to help avoid permanent stains or damage to library collections, materials or furnishings.

Library personnel have final approval of any sort of food, beverages, or containers allowed in the library.

General Guidelines:

  • Avoid food and beverages that by their nature are damaging or disruptive (i.e. greasy, messy, sticky, noisy, crumbly or aromatic).
  • Please be considerate of other library users around you.
  • Beverages are allowed in containers with lids.
  • Food deliveries must be made outside the library, preferably at the back entrance (loading dock) of the library. Once here, the delivery person is to call you to pick up your delivery.

Food and beverages may not be consumed in these areas:

  • Archives/Special Collections reading room
  • Library instruction rooms (Auxiliary Classroom & L23)
  • In the book stacks

Use of the library may be denied to anyone for abuse of library services or resources.

The purposes of this policy are to:

  • Provide an opportunity for library users to consume food and drink in the library
  • Provide library users with a clean, safe and healthy environment for study and research
  • Preserve library materials and protect library furnishings and equipment
  • Prevent disruption to others’ use of the public areas

(Based on Washington Administrative Code 172‐168‐035)

The term “minor” refers to a person under the age of 18 years.

Note: This policy does not apply to EWU students, regardless of age.

In addition to its primary mission of serving the informational and research needs of EWU, the Library serves the geographic region, and makes its resources available on a limited basis to community members, including students in regional high schools.

An individual who is not an EWU student and who is under 18 years of age must be a high school freshman through senior or recent high school graduate to use JFK Library without being accompanied by an adult. Upon staff request, the minor must be able to show a high school identification card, individual class schedule, statement by the parent or guardian, or some other evidence of student status. Other minors who are not EWU students must be accompanied by an adult. In addition, the minor’s use of library computers is restricted to research. If the minor is not doing research, s/he may be asked to leave the building.


  • Residential campers requiring library access as part of the related program are issued library passes authorizing library access.
  • Home-schooled minors who do not have school IDs may be issued a library guest card in accordance with our community borrower (12-17) policy. Issuance of this card requires the permission/signature of the minor’s parent or legal guardian. Should the parent/guardian issue permission for the minor to use the library unaccompanied, “Library Access Allowed” is written on the guest card and initialed by the issuing staff member, as identification.
  • Running Start students receive Eagle Cards and are treated as EWU undergraduate students.

For borrowing privileges, please see our community borrower guidelines.

At any time, the Libraries may recall borrowed materials and issue a revised due date. Except in the case of materials being recalled for placement on reserve, the Libraries will generally allow one week’s use of an item before recalling it.  Instructors are advised to place needed videos on reserve at the beginning of the academic quarter. (See Course Reserves guidelines)

Fines and Fees on Recalled Items

Standard fine rate is increased by $1 per day, per item, for recalled materials returned beyond the revised due date. Over 14 days: $25 processing fee per item, plus replacement costs based on the average cost of academic books (adjusted annually) per book. All associated charges are transferred to EWU’s Student Financial Services for collection.


Due to instructional needs, or in order to complete academic requirements, faculty and grad-thesis students may renew most materials may be renewed twice, unless the materials have a hold placed on them. If a material has a hold placed on it by another library patron, the material may not be renewed. See loan period guidelines for the number of renewals that are allowed for specific library materials by library user type.

Renewals may be made:

Group Study Rooms  

Available for use by EWU students only, the group study rooms are designed to enable small and medium-sized groups to study together in an enclosed environment so as not to disturb others.  These rooms are not to be used for functions such as committee meetings, classes, seminars or lectures for which other facilities are available.

The use of these rooms will not be scheduled in advance, with the following exceptions:

  1. Three large rooms (L20, M17, U04, U30 and U34) may be reserved by groups of five or more, for occasional use.
  2. Rooms U03 and L12 may be reserved by groups of two to four, for occasional use.

Go to the circulation desk for questions and reservations.

  • Reservations require at least one-hour advanced notice.
  • Groups more than 10 minutes late lose the reservation.
  • All unoccupied/unreserved group study rooms may be used by groups of two or more without reservation. However, for the larger rooms, groups of five or more have priority.
  • Study rooms cannot be used by fewer than two individuals.
  • Noise must be held to acceptable levels.
  • All other applicable library policies, such as those regulating conduct and food/beverage/tobacco use, apply to the group study rooms.
  • No equipment or materials can be left in the group study rooms overnight.
  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended in study rooms. See library “Unattended Belongings Policy” for more details.
  • Windows cannot be covered and doors will be operable at all times.

Meeting Rooms, Events, and Displays in JFK Library

Meeting rooms are intended for the use of library staff and other University groups. EWU staff and faculty may request rooms via Eagle Sync or reserve space in 25Live. For further assistance, call the circulation desk at 509.359.7888.

  • Meeting rooms may be approved for group study use when they are not otherwise scheduled. Requests to use meeting rooms for group study should be directed to library operations office or the borrowing/circulation desk.
  • When used for group study, the library’s food/beverage/tobacco policy applies.
  • Meeting rooms and other library spaces may be approved for conducting events and exhibiting displays. Such requests should be submitted using 25Live, Eagle Sync, or by calling the library circulation desk.

Study Carrel Assignments

Study carrels are issued to EWU faculty and students. Faculty and graduate students currently preparing their thesis or graduate research projects are given first assignment priority, followed by other graduate students (who are currently admitted to an EWU graduate program). Carrel assignments may be issued to undergraduate students based on specific, academic-related need, such as work on projects requiring significant numbers of library resources. Applications received from undergraduate students are considered after all pending faculty and graduate student applications are processed. Applications are generally processed in order of their application dates, within their respective categories.

Assignment Periods

  • Faculty/graduate students: up to one academic year (fall, winter, and spring quarters), expiring no later than the last day of spring quarter. Upon request, an extension may be provided for the concurrent summer quarter. Summer extensions are accepted within 30 days of the due date.
  • Undergraduate Students: up to one academic quarter.
  • Renewals: carrel assignments may be renewed on a quarter by quarter basis, provided there is not a waiting list. If there is a waiting list, renewal applications are placed at the end of the list. Renewal requests are accepted within 30 days of the due date.

Applicants are notified by the library when a carrel becomes available and are provided two weeks from the date of notification to claim the assignment. Carrel assignments not claimed within the two-week period may be passed on to the next applicant on the list.

Carrel assignees are responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, and return of carrel keys. Assignees must return carrel keys on or before the expiration date. Carrel assignees are responsible for all fines and recorded charges associated with lost or late keys.

Up to three assignees may be assigned to one study carrel. Carrel assignees are responsible for arranging usage schedules among themselves. Conflicts or problems should be brought to the attention of the circulation manager.  The library reserves the right to enter and inspect the study carrels at any time.

Carrel assignees may be asked to maintain a usage log. Usage logs are retained in the carrels and should be updated with each use. The Libraries’ food and drink policy applies in all carrels. Smoking is not permitted in any area within the library. Non-circulating materials, such as reference materials or periodicals, may not be retained in the carrel overnight. Library materials kept in a carrel in violation of the carrel policy will be removed by library personnel. Leaving personal items in a carrel is at the owner’s risk. The library is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items left in a carrel. Pictures, posters, or other items may not be attached to the painted walls within the carrels or to the windows. Carrel windows may not be covered (except with the existing blinds). Additional chairs may not be placed in the carrel without receiving prior approval from a circulation department staff member.

Carrel assignments that are used infrequently, as determined by the usage log, may be revoked and assigned to someone else. Assignees may be charged for damage done to a carrel. Carrel assignments may be altered or revoked at any time, with or without cause.

Instruction Spaces in the JFK Library

  • L23 and the auxiliary classroom are designed to provide library personnel with a teaching facility for student, faculty, staff, and community learning. Library personnel have priority on using these spaces.
  • The computers on the upper level toward the lobby are primarily for use by students, faculty and staff for individual research. It is not a classroom space and should not be used for a lecture session. If an instruction room is unavailable and another space cannot be utilized, library personnel
    may reserve the computers.
  • Instructors teaching English composition classes (English 100, 101 and 201) may request use of either an instruction room, or if one is not available, the computers on the upper level, up to 2 times during the quarter for “research days” wherein the students are using the library resources to find information. Requests can be made to the library faculty chair. Other instructors who have had an instruction session with a librarian may be granted the same privileges, at the discretion of the faculty chair. Library personnel reserve the right to reschedule the request if L23 or the auxiliary classroom required for a librarian-led instruction session.

Self-balancing scooters, hoverboards, and other recreational equipment not allowed in campus buildings.

Read more about this policy on the EWU policy website: Chapter 172-118 WAC: Recreational Equipment.

The JFK Building adheres to the EWU Policy on service animals.

To read the policy click here. 

Need a very quiet place to study without phone calls, talking, or audible media use? Look for our silent study areas, located on each floor.

Silent study areas are highlighted on building maps, and have posted wall and standing signs throughout the JFK library.

Need assistance? Contact the Circulation Desk, open during all hours of operation. | Main Level Lobby Desk | 509.359.7888

We strive to be a welcoming place for all patrons. To support this goal, the library has created space and provides equipment to accommodate patrons with disabilities so they can successfully complete their academic work.

Assistive Technology Room (JFK M03)

  • M03 is available on a first come, first served basis. If the room is empty, and there are no reservations for the space at that time it can be used by patrons who require assistive technology software, hardware or furniture.
  • EWU students, faculty & staff with a valid EWU ID can make reservations at the circulation desk. Reservations span a two-hour period with the possibility of one renewal of two-hours if no other patron is waiting.
  • If the room is currently in use, your reservation must be made with at least one-hour advance notice.
  • Reservations will not be accepted on a recurring basis (i.e. every week) or farther out than the current quarter.
  • Reservations are forfeit if room is not used within 10 minutes of assigned start time.
  • Current EWU students, faculty or staff have priority use and can displace community users.
  • All other applicable library policies apply.
  • See a full listing of equipment, furnishings and software available in the assistive technology room.

Community Access to Assistive Technology

We strive to provide community patrons access to assistive technologies software. All open-access (i.e. non log-in) computers in the JFK Library feature accessibility software. Our research resources include a full listing of available assistive resources and tutorials. Patrons should bring in any equipment they need to use the software on EWU computers (flash drives to save work, headphones, etc.)

Service Assistance

We make reasonable efforts to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities as needed to assure equal access to the libraries’ resources and services. In general, an advance request of at least two working days is needed to assure that appropriate staff are available to provide special service to a disabled individual. High volume demand for regular service at any given time may determine the extent of special service that can be provided without advance request of at least two working days. Levels of service:

  • Regular Service: assistance in identifying and locating library materials or brief instruction in the use of library equipment is available on a non-scheduled basis to all students during most of the hours that the library is open. This service is brief, usually less than five minutes.
  • Special Service: personal, individual instruction in the use of library equipment or assistance in identifying and locating materials is available to all students on a two-day advance request basis. The hour and extent of the individual service will be determined at the time of the request. Because of staffing restrictions, special service may need to be scheduled before 10 a.m. or after 3 p.m. The student’s level of need for special services will be determined by the EWU Office of Student Accommodations and Support Services which will supply to the library a list of students indicating level of need.

The use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and related products are prohibited in the JFK Library per WAC 172-122-310.

  • Library users are responsible for their belongings at all times.
  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended. Unattended belongings are at risk of theft. When leaving a space, take your belongings with you.
  • Unattended items found by library staff will be considered abandoned and taken to lost & found at the Circulation Desk. Abandoned items will be disposed of according to EWU’s Lost & Found policy (603-08).
  • Library employees will not fulfill requests to hold, watch, supervise, or be responsible for library user belongings.

*Note: The library has a limited number of lockable compartments that can be used to secure your personal belongings. Please visit the Circulation Desk to inquire about use.

Course Reserves Services

Looking for materials that your instructor has placed on reserve for class use?  Search course reserves through our catalog.  Faculty may place materials on reserve at the JFK circulation desk. Call 509.359.7888 with questions.

  • Once you’ve made your request using the form below, you’ll receive an email copy of your request.
  • You’ll be notified when the material is ready student use; please allow up to two weeks for processing.
  • We do our best to protect reserve material, however placement of personal items on reserve is at the owner’s risk; the EWU Libraries are not responsible for lost or damaged items.
  • Personal material will be returned at the end of the reserve period. Unless pickup has been arranged, items will be returned through campus mail using the mail code provided in the EWU Directory.
  • The Libraries reserve the right to perform processing necessary for placement of material on reserve, including attachment of date due slips, bar codes, and labels. Minor damage may result.
  • Requests due to textbook shortages are given priority.
  • EWU Libraries fulfill reserve requests if the University or the instructor possesses a lawfully obtained copy of the material, and in doing so will not violate the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).

Instructor Reserve Request for Print or Physical Materials

  • Please specify your desired loan period.
  • Please select the appropriate end time. If your desired end is not listed please use the note field below.
  • 0 of 150 max characters
  • Please list the title, author, library call # or URL if applicable. Click on the add button to enter additional items.
    Title (as you refer to the material in your class)AuthorLibrary Call # or URL (if applicable) 
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.