Category: Students
The Future is Polytechnic

Just after the beginning of the 2023 academic year, Eastern’s Board of Trustees met to discuss, among other pressing issues, how the university could better share its strengths with the wider world: “How might we more authentically communicate who we are,” they asked, “while differentiating ourselves in our region’s competitive higher education landscape?” Eastern’s…
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A Proper Send-off

EWU’s annual Senior Send-off procession — in which graduating seniors reverse course through the Herculean Pillars they traversed as incoming freshman — took on particular poignancy this spring. These seniors were members of the so-called “covid class” of 2024. Each began their Eastern journey during lock-down, a time when remote learning and event restrictions…
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Sharing the Gift of Reading

An EWU program helps school kids advance their literacy skills. Reading may be fundamental, but it doesn’t come naturally. Learning to make sense of the written word takes patience, practice and, if you’re lucky, guidance from educators who care. Since its earliest days, Eastern has trained teachers who love sharing the gift of reading.…
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Una Casa Propia

A prize-winning urban planning student works to expand Latino housing opportunities. During her time as an economic development specialist for the nonprofit Latinos en Spokane, Mayra Velazquez, an EWU senior studying urban planning and economics, was tasked with the sort of job one might expect would go to a much-more experienced staffer: documenting how…
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Leaning Into Riso

A new, old-school printer helps student artists, and visiting professionals, revel in the retro. Eastern’s Risograph copier, a “digital duplicator” named Ferdinand, isn’t old. But the art it produces — funky screen-prints created in layers of stenciled spot color — reproduce the retrograde vibe craved by today’s creatives. Built by Japan’s Riso Kagaku Corporation, EWU…
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Life-Changing Acceptance

For Hilary Baird, graduate school will be just the latest in a long line of triumphs. From a rejection on her first application to Eastern, to admission as a graduate student at one of the nation’s top music programs, EWU’s Hilary Baird has lived a true Cinderella story. In January, Baird was shocked and…
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Progress on the Palouse

Eastern’s multi-year Prairie Restoration Project reaches a milestone. As previously noted in this magazine, Eastern’s Prairie Restoration Project aims to return a 120-acre parcel of university-owned farmland to its native habitat, thus creating a “living laboratory” of restored Northern Palouse prairie proximate to the Cheney campus. Together with the Spokane and other local tribes…
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Signing Off

Eastern’s 75-year-old radio station confronts a “changing media landscape.” Eastern announced earlier this fall that its long-running non-commercial jazz radio station, 89.5 KEWU-FM, has transitioned to DJ-free, “pre-loaded” jazz as part of a phase-out plan that could eventually result in the university ceding ownership. The decision to potentially offload the station did not come lightly,…
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Lab Girls

A new summer event aims to sell kids on STEM. Despite making tremendous professional progress over the past several decades, women are still distressingly under-represented in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. According to the National Science Board, last year they represented only 26 percent of the college-educated workforce in STEM occupations.…
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Ale to the Eagles

In collaboration with No-Li, Eastern’s craft brewers make their mark internationally. Universities, EWU among them, are more typically associated with the consumption, rather than the production, of malted beverages. For the past year Eastern’s innovative program in craft brewing has been working to change that. Now the whole wide world of beer is taking…
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