EWU News

Eagle 1 News: December 2024

December 1, 2024
Happy Holidays graphic with acorn with eagle on it.

December 2024

Dear Eagle Family and Friends,

The cold weather has arrived, and while our beloved squirrels are bounding through campus stashing away nuts, our equally industrious students are preparing for finals week and eagerly looking forward to winter break.

Speaking of our incredible students, recently a few of them leapt into action when word spread about an acorn shortage in my office. Watch applied learning in action as they cracked the nutty case!

EWU President at desk with Christmas nutrackers in the background

Since we started planning this fun video in July, I’ve had a lot of time to think about acorns, and I’ve come to realize the relationship between that tiny nut and our university’s mission. In the same way that each acorn holds the potential to grow into a mighty oak tree, every student begins their journey at Eastern with the potential to become a leader in their workplace and community. EWU provides the fertile ground of education and support, cultivating the student’s growth every step of the way. Through challenges and triumphs, we watch them develop deep roots of resilience and flourish into confident individuals, each ready to make a lasting impact on the world. It’s inspiring and fulfilling to be a part of that journey, and I’m so grateful for every person who joins us in support — whether it’s through donations, internship development, mentorship, or filling the stands on game days. It truly takes all of us working together to build a future we can be proud of at Eastern.

Three happy EWU students holding cupcakes

For my final Eagle 1 of 2024, I wish you and yours acorn-ucopia of happiness and joy this holiday season. Go Eags!

Shari McMahan, PhD
Eastern Washington University

EWU in the News

EWU Joins Complete College America Accelerator, Inside EWU

EWU Exhibit Highlights Innovative Arts Collaboration, The Inlander

Teddy Bear Toss Nets Hundreds of Stuffies for Christmas Bureau, The Spokesman Review

Office of the President
214 Showalter Hall
Cheney, WA 99004
Phone: 509.359.2371  Web: ewu.edu/president
Eastern Washington University provides an inclusive, equitable, and transformative learning experience, driving the pursuit of knowledge with affordable academic excellence.
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