EWU News

2023 Alumni and Philanthropy Award Winners Announced

March 1, 2023

The EWU Alumni Association is partnering with the EWU Foundation to recognize nine of our most impactful Eastern Eagles for their contributions as alumni and philanthropists.

The following people will be presented with awards during an upcoming special event, called 1882: Honoring Outstanding Eagles. Congratulations to the following inspirational Eagles. We are honored to have you in the nest!

  • Corporate Philanthropist Award | STCU
  • Philanthropist of the Year | Bill Youngs (EWU History Professor)
  • Alumni Philanthropist of the Year | Barbara Shields ’92
  • Benjamin P. Cheney Lifetime Achievement | Lori Wyborney ’86, ’92 and ’95
  • Eagle4Life Spirit | Kory Kelly ’98
  • Tawanka Service Award | Pat Chandler ’57
  • Sandy Williams Trailblazer Award | Lili Navarrete-Lorenzo ’99
  • Governor Clarence D. Martin Educator of the Year Award | Marty Robinette ’76 and 07
  • Lt. Col. Daniel M. Carter Military Service Award | Brad Liberg ’81
  • Rising Eagle Award | Isabella Robertson ’22

To learn more about the award categories, and what each category represents to our Eastern community, please visit the EWU Alumni Association webpage.