EWU News

4 Ways for EWU Students to Get Involved on Campus

February 7, 2022
EWU Students celebrating in front of JFK Library

Here at Eastern, students have plenty of things to do outside of class. These four ways to get involved on campus will help make their college experience more fun and rewarding. From building friendships, exploring new interests, to deepening their sense of belonging within the college community, these are just a few benefits to getting involved. 

Campus involvement takes many forms. Check out these tips on how to get involved on Eastern’s campus!

1. Attend Campus Events

Students can grab someone from class or their dorm and check out the variety of campus social events that are offered throughout the year, including dances, movie nights, crafting, gaming, and more. Eagle Entertainment, EPIC Adventures, and Campus Recreation are just a few entities on campus that host these fun events. Whether students are looking to join a basketball tournament, hike with peers, or experience a performer on campus; we’ve got something to meet everyone’s needs. So students should take a study break and head to one of the events on campus for a chance to meet new people, learn a new skill, and have fun! 

2. Join a Student Club or Organization

Did you know EWU has over 150 Clubs & Organizations? Students who join these communities often share they are among the most impactful experiences of their time in college, allowing them to develop as leaders, think critically, and learn to work in a team setting. Students should check out 5 Reasons to Join a Greek Life Chapter, get competitive with Club Sports, or join one of our many ASEWU Student Organizations (topics include academic, cultural, spiritual, service, and more!). And if your student somehow STILL doesn’t find what they’re looking for, have them reach out to sail@ewu.edu to start a new organization!

3. EagleSync, EagleSync, EagleSync

With so many opportunities to get involved, wouldn’t it be great if someone would organize them all in a single, convenient location? You’re in luck! EagleSync is the online student engagement hub that maintains a comprehensive list of upcoming events and active student groups at EWU. Anyone can view these opportunities on the EagleSync website, and students can log in using their single-sign-on information to join and manage their organizations.

4. PICK ONE & Connect with Us!

Okay, so with so many great options to get involved, where do students begin? We recommend they PICK ONE opportunity to focus their attention on. PICK ONE event to attend. PICK ONE club or organization to join. They can also attend quarterly Club & Organization Fairs to browse options and chat with other students about their experiences in Campus Life. 

Still have questions? Students can connect with us at sail@ewu.edu or stop by PUB 301 to develop a personalized involvement plan to make the most of their time at EWU.

Go Eags!