EWU News

A Note from Eagle Family Council Member

March 10, 2022

EWU’s Orientation & Family Programs have recently instilled a Family Council. The Council will meet roughly twice a quarter to hear University updates, listen to parent and family feedback, and brainstorm events and ideas to connect EWU families with campus. Below you will hear from one of our council members, Kevin!

Welcome to the EWU family Blog!    My name is Kevin and I’m the father of a junior eagle at EWU. Boy has the journey had some highs and lows! Much like you I’ve been looking for the answers to everything. My best advice to you and your student? Ask.  Ask the deans, ask the advisor, send an email, ask the  EWU Family Chat Facebook page, use the chat with swoop bot on the ww.ewu.edu site, and/or ask the EWU Instagram page.

You and your child are not alone, you’re not lost, and you’re both on a journey that you will hopefully laugh about for many years. All the issues that you are having most likely have happened before.  I want to let you know that you’re not alone, and we are all going through these issues.   The common issues I’ve seen over the last two years run the board from dorm rooms, roommates, advisors, apartments, jobs, tutors, financial aid, doctors, oil changes, birthday cakes, mental wellbeing, and personal needs.

For those of you that were here two years ago, there was nothing like getting a call on a Wednesday morning that every student needed to be out of the dorms in a week. What a crazy time we lived through when a virus shut down the entire university system worldwide. That was crazy, we all jumped on a “zoom” call (what was zoom?), we called other people, we sent a dozen emails, we decided on a plan, and went and picked two students up. Yep, we stepped up for another family that didn’t have a way to bring their student (and all the stuff) home.  What we all need is to be informed, know the process or available options, and build a plan together with your student.

I love the way that the Eagle family steps up to help each other and that is why I joined the EWU Family Council. We all need a little help sometimes and as EWU parents, I hope to either help you at some point or you help me.

Please feel free you reach out anytime


Things to join:

Search for EWU on instgram.com – there are at least 30 EWU groups to follow! EWU’s Dean of Students has a particularly great account, which keeps followers updated on what is happening on campus. Her Instagram handle is @dosewu


EWU Family Facebook groups:

https://www.facebook.com/ewuparentsandfamilies – Official family site

https://www.facebook.com/groups/124160301586675 EWU Parent Chat (not official EWUChat)

Email: ewuparents@ewu.edu