EWU News

Bank of America Charitable Foundation Gives to Critical EWU Student Needs

May 6, 2020 By Leilah Langley
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, and always, Eastern Washington is committed to providing critical services aimed at supporting students. During this time of crisis, the university is especially grateful for community partners who have stepped up to help.

Joining the recent generosity of Innovia and BECU, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation and its Spokane Market President team recently gave a $10,000 grant to help address food insecurity at Eastern.

“For many Americans today—especially students—accessing food is a daily challenge,” says Katherine Morgan, senior vice president with Bank of America in Spokane. “Teaming up with EWU, we’re committed to addressing this critical need and expanding accessibility for hunger relief.”

According to the EWU Office of Community Engagement, which operates the food pantries on campus, the gift will stock the shelves for about three months and feed about 625 guests.

“The 625 is not unique individuals, but 625 people visiting,” says Brian Davenport, director of the Office of Community Engagement. “This could include the same person visiting over multiple weeks.”

Davenport adds that the EWU Food Pantries are currently going through between $800 and $1,300 per week to serve students facing food insecurity at Eastern.

To celebrate Giving Tuesday Now Day, Bank of America and EWU are asking Eagle alumni, donors and community members to help match this generous gift and have an even larger impact on Eastern students. Giving Tuesday Now Day—which is May 5—has been designated as a global day of giving and unity amid the coronavirus pandemic. If you are able, please consider this opportunity to support Eastern students by visiting the Giving to EWU website.

“Bank of America is proud to be a supporter of Eastern Washington University,” adds Morgan. “Thank you for your commitment to the community, especially during these trying times.”

The Central Food Pantry is currently open in Tawanka Hall on Tuesday afternoons between 1-4:30 p.m. Due to coronavirus restrictions, staff asks that you meet them by the door on the side facing Patterson Hall. Please email ceamericorps@ewu.edu or call 509.359.4006 if you have questions or need accommodations. For more information please visit the EWU Food Pantry website.