EWU News

Campus Orientations Welcome Students

June 25, 2024

Eastern kickstarted its summer orientations by hosting the first of five campus-wide events to welcome incoming Eagles.

More than 300 soon-to-be students visited for the June 24 New Student Orientation, which featured campus tours, academic advising, informational meetings, an outdoor barbecue luncheon and a resource fair held inside the PUB’s Nysether Community Room.

The resource fair featured several dozen tables with representatives from EWU’s academic programs, services and student clubs on hand to connect with students and their families and distribute stickers, pens and other Eagle-theme swag.

Some students arrived with a plan for their major, ready to experience the full spectrum of college life.

Jadyn Roddy plans to study education and do some paddleboarding with Paisley (pictured on the leash.)
Jadyn Roddy plans to study education and do some paddleboarding with Paisley (pictured on the leash.)

Jadyn Roddy, a 17-year-old from the Gig Harbor, Washington area, stopped by the EPIC Adventures table to learn about the club’s recreational opportunities.

“I have my own paddleboard, so I was mostly talking about different places to go paddleboarding – and I go paddleboarding with my dog,” said Roddy.

Roddy, who liked the “feel” of Eastern’s campus during a visit, last September, has completed two years of Running Start and plans to earn a bachelor’s in education and become a middle school teacher.

Melissa Robertson, EPIC Adventures coordinator for Student Affairs, said options for hiking and paddleboarding were among the most frequent inquiries from incoming students. (EPIC also offers far more, including trips and rentals open to students, as well as faculty and staff.)

EPIC held a giveaway to help promote the organization. “Liking” EPIC on Instagram or having a Polaroid taken in person at the table, while posing with EPIC gear, qualified students for a drawing at the end of the summer. The shots, spit out instantly by the Polaroid camera, were stacked on the table.

“We’re going to hang them in our EPIC outdoor office and along the hallway,” Robertson said. “So when students come here, and their first day on campus arrives, they can see themselves already being part of the community.”

Adeline Aruse, who served in the U.S. Navy will start classes this fall. Aruse is pictured with Brad Larrison and Dave Millet of the Veterans Resource Center.
Adeline Kruse, who served in the U.S. Navy, will start classes this fall. Kruse is pictured with Brad Larrison, Navy veteran and enrolled student, and Dave Millet, director, VRC.

For Adeline Kruse, a 25-year-old who recently completed her service in the U.S. Navy as a technician aboard the USS Growler, plans to earn a business degree and put it to use supporting other veterans.

“I would actually like to work with the VA or VSO or TSO to help other veterans as they transition out and kind of give back that way,” Kruse said.

Kruse, who stopped by the Veterans Resource Center table, says Eastern became her college of choice as multiple things fell into place. The VRC staff were particularly helpful, she said. “They were fabulous. I can’t say enough good things about them.”

2024 New Student Orientation visits will be held on the following dates:

  • Friday, July 12
  • Monday, July 15 (Spanish speaking sessions available. Overnight accommodation option)
  • Monday, July 29
  • Friday, Aug. 2 (Spanish speaking sessions available. Overnight accommodation option)
  • Thursday, Aug 22 (Virtual Orientation)