Category: Giving Stories
Accounting Students Learn as They Serve
April 19, 2023

Experiential learning projects develop skills while filling vital community needs.
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Parkinson Voice Project Grant Focused on Education and Access

The grant will provide training and funding over the next five years.
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Giving Joy Day 2023 Inspires Eagles to Make a Difference
April 6, 2023

On its annual day of service and giving, Eastern raises more than $400,000 to support student scholarships and programs.
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Emmanuel Lutheran Church Ends an Era but Continues a Legacy
April 5, 2023

Members of the recently closed Cheney church make a $130,000 gift to help Eastern students better their communities.
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Giving Joy Day is About Community
March 30, 2023

Eagles are joining together to support Eastern’s transformational work with students.
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Eastern Wheelchair Basketball to Compete in Nationals, March 15-18
March 7, 2023

Fresh off two road competitions, the team will travel later this month to Wisconsin for the 2023 Men’s National Intercollegiate Wheelchair Basketball Tournament.
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2023 Alumni and Philanthropy Award Winners Announced
March 1, 2023

Winners include Bill Youngs, PhD, a professor of history who has made a difference at EWU for 50 years.
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Eagle Alumni Sweethearts Continue to Change Lives
February 21, 2023

After a lifetime of making a difference in their careers, Ken and Kathy Privratsky continue to make a difference in retirement by supporting scholarships for EWU students who go on to do life-changing work with children and adults.
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IEEE Spokane Sponsors EWU Students for Rising Stars 2023 Conference
February 13, 2023 by Melodie Little

The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IEEE) Spokane chapter sent two Eastern students to the national IEEE Rising Star Conference on Jan. 3-5, in Las Vegas, Nevada. IEEE Spokane, which has been involved with the IEEE Student Chapter at Eastern for many years, began sponsoring students to attend the Rising Star event three years ago.…
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EWU Nursing Receives State Funding for Simulation Technology
January 13, 2023

The EWU Nursing Program recently received $274,000 from the state to help purchase simulation technologies for its new nursing labs.
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