EWU News

Category: Giving Stories

Spokane Charitable Organization Matches $250,000 to Student Scholarships

April 2, 2021 by Leilah Langley

completed - krumble foundation - matching scholarship fund

“We are truly humbled to see how many Eastern supporters share our passion for helping students who show the hard work and dedication it takes to earn a degree,” say the Krumble Foundation donors.

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On Giving Joy Day, Knock Down Obstacles to Success

March 31, 2021 by Leilah Langley

Elsa Chavez portrait

Join us on Giving Joy Day—this Friday—as we celebrate EWU’s 139th birthday by spreading joy in the community and helping Eastern students succeed.

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McKinstry Gift Creates More Research Opportunities for Faculty and Students

February 22, 2021 by Leilah Langley

hvac sketch diagrams on paper

The McKinstry Charitable Foundation is committing a gift of $500,000 to the Catalyst Faculty and Student Research Fund. All projects will be conducted out of, or for the Catalyst setting.

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University-Owned Farmland Begins a Slow but Exciting Transformation

February 17, 2021 by Leilah Langley

sewing seeds in a light snow

A team of faculty, staff and students at the end of January took a critical first step in the Prairie Restoration Project—planting seeds on the site.

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EWU and the Krumble Foundation: A Partnership Built Upon Grit

January 15, 2021 by Leilah Langley

Lorren Morgan portrait

A new donor to EWU recognizes the potential in Eastern students and has signed on to help support those who show the moxie it takes to earn a degree. The Krumble Foundation, a Spokane charitable organization, has generously pledged $1.35 million in scholarship support to ensure more students see graduation day.

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EWU Foundation Raises More Than $80K for Eastern Students on GivingTuesday

December 3, 2020 by Leilah Langley

Bill Youngs smiling outdoors with thumbs up

The generous gifts will provide scholarship support and ensure students stay Eagle Strong during these difficult times.

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Steve Blewett Wants to Make Internships More Accessible

by Leilah Langley

Steve Blewett portrait

Internships are an important and valuable part of the college experience. A former EWU journalism and PR professor is launching a new scholarship fund to help make internships accessible to more students.

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Join Two EWU Alumni in Honoring Bill Youngs

November 30, 2020 by Leilah Langley

family portrait - parents and toddlers

To honor the professor who meant so much to them, two former students not only asked Bill Youngs to officiate their wedding, they also established a scholarship in his name.

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Unfinished Work: Strengthen a Late Professor’s Legacy

November 24, 2020 by Leilah Langley

Anna Dvorak portrait rock climbing

The Anna K. Dvorak Memorial Fund is only about $4,000 from reaching endowment. It’s not too late to give a gift and take advantage of a match which will make your donation go twice as far.

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Support Women Who Never Give Up

by Leilah Langley

women in festive red and black attire

Thanks to generous donors on GivingTuesday, the Empowering Women Upward Fund reached endowment and will soon be awarding scholarships to help more women achieve their dream of earning a college degree.

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