EWU News

COVID-19 Protection on Campus

EWU Wellness Tips

February 17, 2022
Two years later, our country and even our world is still dealing with challenges related to COVID-19. As our knowledge of COVID-19 grows, we have seen changing recommendations and guidelines. However, some key prevention strategies have remained the same. Whether you have a first-time college student, or a senior it is important to remind them of prevention measures they can take, as well as knowledge about signs and symptoms, what to do, and where to go for testing.

Prevention of COVID-19

Being in college can create unique environments to contract COVID-19 such as a residence hall, classroom and lecture halls, study groups, or on-campus employment. It is up to all of us, to take precautions and prevention measures to keep our entire Eagle family safe. Remind your student to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wear a mask
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces
  • Get a COVID-19 vaccine
  • Wash your hands often
  • Monitor your daily health

EWU offers FREE antigen testing for students.

This testing occurs regularly at both our Cheney and Spokane campus. The test is a rapid antigen test collected with a nasal swab. Students are asked to administer their own swab under the supervision of an EWU professional. There is no appointment needed, no fee, and results are quick. For more information about location, dates, and times click here.

What if my student is having symptoms?

If your student is experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore/scratchy throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

They should self-quarantine and avoid contact with others, except to get tested. There are testing options on campus as well as the community including urgent cares, doctor’s offices, community testing locations, pharmacies, or even at home rapid tests. Home rapid tests can be ordered for FREE at www.sayyescovidhometest.org. Always have them call ahead to determine if a particular location takes appointments only or has walk-in options. If your student test is positive or is exposed, they need to report it to the university to help assist with contact tracing. 


College is a space to create new relationships and memories. While COVID-19 has changed some of the traditional ways college students make connections, they can still make new friends and enjoy their college experience. Help your student with some of these suggestions to socialize safely:

  • Attend an on-campus event; events on campus often have rules in place such as testing negative or having been vaccinated to attend.
  • Keep your circle small; avoid large gatherings and crowds. Meeting one new classmate and going for coffee may be a safer option for now.
  • As the weather gets nicer and the sun stays up longer, opt to take your social circle outside for fresh air.
  • Get to know those in your residence hall; making a connection down the hall may be easier than someone that lives across town.
  • Utilize social media, facetime, text, email, etc. to stay connected to friends during quarantine/isolation periods.

 If you or your student has any questions or concerns visit the University’s Coronavirus Response, for more information.