EWU News

Eagle 1 Newsletter: October 2022

Monthly Message from EWU President Shari McMahan

October 22, 2022
Eagle one banner

Dear Eagle Family and Friends,

The start to my first academic year at EWU has been a wonderful whirlwind of learning, listening and participating in as many great campus activities and events as possible. It all started with our students – who have brought such great energy and enthusiasm to campus. The fact that we’ve been spoiled by terrific fall weather – until now – has only enhanced the experience of autumn at Eastern.

Student by a prize wheel outside at Neighbor fest

I’m proud to say I’ve hit a key milestone in my presidency – my first 100 days! This past week, I was pleased to present a First 100 Days report to our governing Board of Trustees. The report highlights the course we’ve charted so far, some of the key constituents and community groups I’ve met with, and captures a great slice of what campus has been like this fall. Please take a moment to visit the 100-day report webpage, and watch this 100-day video.

The First 100 Days graphic

With a thriving campus once again, the well-being of all students and employees is one of my key points of emphasis. I was pleased to host nearly 200 faculty and staff for a workshop on how the university can cultivate a strong campus culture. Workshop facilitator Tiffany Wentz, a mental health professional with extensive expertise in coaching wellness, resilience and organizational culture, led the discussion. Her simple message of caring for ourselves so we can care for students resonated well with participants. You can read more about her message in this Inside EWU story.

This commitment to wellness is also why I was recently thrilled to get out of the office and lead a campus Zumba class. We had a lot of fun, and I hope this exhilarating experience was just the first of many times I can interact with students, faculty and staff in a way that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Shari McMahan, PhD teaching zumba

Speaking of being active and taking on challenges, our student athletes are a great example. I’m especially excited to brag about our Adaptive Athletics program, which, over the weekend, hosted the first-ever Wheelchair Basketball Tournament. The event featured teams from the University of Arizona, ParaSport Spokane and Team St. Luke’s. It was a fantastic way to showcase our growing program. Congratulations to all the participants.

I started off by mentioning all the energy and enthusiasm on campus, and that was very much on display during our Eagle Family Homecoming week. All the events reflected the infectious Eagle pride we see on campus every day. And suggestions are welcome as we are already making plans for our centennial homecoming celebration next fall!

I can’t wait to see what my next 100 days will be like here at Eastern, and I will share more stories along the journey. As always, take care, and say hello if you see me out and about, and Go Eags!

Shari McMahan, PhD
Eastern Washington University