EWU News

EWU Athletics Offers Appreciation Perk

September 20, 2023

EWU Athletics is showing appreciation to faculty and staff by offering two free tickets to attend the upcoming Eastern Eagles football game against the University of Idaho Vandals on Saturday, Sept. 30.

Each employee is eligible for two tickets within the available sections – so feel free to bring a guest to root on the Eagles as they battle on the red turf!

EWU Athetics plans to offer faculty and staff appreciation tickets and discounts for select games throughout the year. Look for announcements about upcoming opportunities on Inside EWU.

To claim your two free tickets to the Sept. 30 football game, visit goeags.com/freeticket. Click on Find Tickets and then select Purchase by Price and choose the Free EWU Staff/Faculty Ticket option.

You can also go to goeags.com/tickets, click on the Buy Tickets Now and then Promotions, and input EWUSTAFF as the code.

At checkout, you will need to setup an account in the ticketing system. Please use your @ewu.edu email address to verify your active employment status at EWU.

For questions, please contact the Athletics Ticket Office at 509.359.6059, tickets@ewu.edu, or visit us in Cheney Hall.