EWU News

EWU Board of Trustee Meeting Changes and Highlights

October 18, 2024

EWU President Shari McMahan message to the campus community, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024.

On Oct. 24-25, EWU will hold its first regularly scheduled Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting of the academic year, and President McMahan would like to extend an invitation to join as important campus information is presented and discussed. Our faculty and staff put a great deal of time and thought into their presentations for the Board, and President McMahan is proud of the work they’ve accomplished in support of EWU’s mission.

At this meeting, in addition to being held in new locations, the BOT will have all three of the newest Trustee members: Trustee Carol Evans, Trustee Alexis Alexander and Trustee Drew Shirk. We are excited to have them join the Eagle Family and look forward to their perspectives and leadership in moving Eastern forward.

Thursday, Oct. 24 – HAR 223 (In-person only, no Zoom option)

The Board of Trustees (BOT) will open the meeting with an in-depth conversation with Faculty Organization President, Dr. Carlos Castillo-Garsow in an effort to engage more fully with understanding faculty achievements, goals and addressing any concerns. Additionally, the Board will hear a report from the new ASEWU President, Ashton McKean, as well as reports from the three union presidents.

Following the formal presentations, from 5-5:45, there will be an open-campus reception in honor of Trustee Jim Murphy and his 12 years of service on the Board of Trustees. Campus members are invited to drop in anytime to HAR 2nd Floor Foyer for food, drinks and to thank Trustee Murphy for his service and impact at EWU.

Friday, Oct. 25 – Catalyst Building, RM 304 (Zoom option available)

Friday’s presentations will take place at the Catalyst Building. The Board will hear an in-depth update on EWU’s position as the region’s polytechnic university. President McMahan will be joined by Vice President Barb Richey and AVP of University Relations Eric Limburg to discuss the marketing efforts to date and the plans moving forward. Further, John Mangiantini, director of the Career Center, as well as students and faculty members will present current examples of experiential learning taking place across campus and the impact that has on career-readiness.

Additional presentations regarding legislative priorities, the EWU Foundation, College in the High School, university enrollment, and tuition rates will take place. A complete agenda can be found on the Board of Trustees website.

Thank you to the students, faculty and staff involved in all of the important presentations to the Board. All interested members of the campus community are encouraged to attend and learn more about the achievements and future plans for EWU.

Shari McMahan
