EWU News

EWU Board to Act on Stadium Task Force Recommendations

August 29, 2019

CHENEY, Washington – The task force charged with conducting a comprehensive study of a possible football stadium renovation project at Eastern Washington University has completed its work and will make its recommendation to the university’s Board of Trustees (BOT) during a special meeting at 1 p.m., Friday, Sept. 6, in Tawanka Hall, 215 (B/C), on the EWU campus.

Appointed by BOT Chair Uriel Iñiguez in early May, the eight-member task force collaborated with EWU Athletics and University Advancement to conduct a fiscally responsible review of all facility enhancement opportunities. This included a look at the fundraising history in athletics as well as an evaluation of potential donors who might be willing to support stadium renovations.

Renderings of the proposed stadium renovation plan are expected to be unveiled at the meeting, which will include presentations from ALSC Architects of Spokane and Vice President for University Advancement Barb Richey. Director of Athletics Lynn Hickey will also be present to address questions.

ALSC provided pre-design services so the task force and BOT could get a good understanding of what a stadium plan would look like and how much it might cost.

The task force was asked to complete the analysis no later than Sept. 15; however, since the task force has completed its work, the BOT decided to take up the issue now rather than wait until its next scheduled meeting in October.

For more information, please visit ewu.edu/stadium.