EWU News

EWU driving force behind film festival

January 24, 2019 By eastern247
Interior of Spokane's Bing Crosby Theatre

Eastern Washington University is once again a proud presenting sponsor of The Spokane International Film Festival (SpIFF), which will return for its 21st year Feb. 1-8 at multiple venues around Spokane!

An opportunity for film lovers to reflect on some of the greatest films from the past year, SpIFF 2019 will begin with its annual Best of the Northwest at 5:30 p.m. at the Bing Crosby Theater, featuring a variety of short and mid-length films created in the Pacific Northwest.

“Movies, like all the arts, invite us to renew our perception and engage our minds,” said Peter Porter, professor of Theatre and Film at EWU and a SpIFF board member. “For more than two decades, the Spokane International Film Festival has brought the art of world cinema to our doorstep, inviting us to new places, experiences, and understandings. I hope everyone gets a chance to experience one of the innovative movies showing during the event.”

During the week-long event, SpIFF will feature 22 screenings, ranging from family-friendly animation to national and regional documentaries such as Enormous: The Gorge Story. Sponsored by EWU, the documentary tells the history of The Gorge Amphitheatre and how it transformed from a quiet winery concert venue process to one of the world’s most iconic music venues.

Eastern Washington University proudly supports opportunities for educational advancement within the community. As a presenting sponsor, EWU continues to serve as a center of support for arts and culture in the Inland Northwest.

Take a look at the Festival Schedule for more details on showtimes.