EWU News

EWU Hosts State Council of Presidents

October 2, 2023 By David Meany

The Council of Presidents (COP), an association of Washington’s six public four-year college and universities, convened on the Eastern campus Oct. 1-2 for its annual fall in-person retreat.

The gathering in Hargreaves involved a look back at the 2023 legislative accomplishments and included a discussion on the current issues and challenges facing higher education as well as a look ahead to the 2024 legislative session. The retreat included a tour of the EWU campus.

“It’s really important for EWU to work closely with our higher education partners so we can effectively work with lawmakers to ensure we’re receiving adequate resources to support our students,” says EWU President Shari McMahan. “And hosting this meeting was a great way to showcase to our peers all the wonderful things happening on the Eastern campus.”

In addition to Eastern Washington University, the Council includes Central Washington University, Western Washington University, Washington State University, the University of Washington and The Evergreen State College.

For more than 50 years, COP has worked to advance collaboration, cooperation, innovation, and efficiency across our sector and broader higher education to help drive economic prosperity, fiscal responsibility, and the advancement of sound public policy.


(L-R) WSU President Kirk Schulz, CWU President Jim Wohlpart, EWU President Shari McMahan, The Evergreen State College President John Carmichael, UW President Ana Mari Cauce and WWU President Sabah Randhawa.