EWU News

EWU Partners with John L. Scott for Teacher of Diversity Fellowship

February 28, 2022 By David Meany
Group of students in the library sitting around a table.

Eastern Washington University is teaming up with John L. Scott Real Estate to create a new opportunity for future elementary school teachers of color who want to obtain their teaching certificates through EWU’s Master’s in Teaching (MIT) program.

The real estate company is donating $30,000 for the John L. Scott Teacher of Diversity Fellowship, and EWU and its School of Education is matching that gift with a second fellowship worth $30,000. Each fellowship includes full tuition, books and fees for a master’s teaching candidate.

In 2021, John L. Scott funded scholarships for diverse candidates in the Seattle area through the University of Washington. This EWU scholarship will extend the impact to the Spokane area, and the company plans to fund scholarships in the Portland area as well. These markets were selected because they are the three major segregated areas in the Northwest due to the tragic, former government and societal practice of redlining limiting where people of color could live.

John L. Scott Chairman & CEO J. Lennox Scott says the company has “high hopes that this initiative will assist in creating a quality education experience for more youth of diverse backgrounds, which in turn will lead to greater employment, inclusion, advancement and equity.”

The new fellowship fits in with Eastern and its School of Education’s vision to help diversify the educator workforce in our region.

“EWU is excited for this partnership with John L. Scott because it leverages the institution’s roots as a teacher’s college, while strengthening our commitment to build stronger communities that are inclusive, respectful and supportive of all its members,” says Jonathan Anderson, EWU’s provost and vice president for academic affairs.

Candidates must apply by April 1, as the fellowship begins summer 2022. Please visit ewu.edu/jlsdiversityfellowship for eligibility and application details.

Recipients will be selected by an external volunteer committee, comprised of persons of color, including teachers.

About John L. Scott Real Estate

John L. Scott Real Estate, led by third-generation Chairman and CEO J. Lennox Scott, has been helping buyers and sellers realize their homeownership dreams since 1931. JLS has over 100 offices with more than 3,000 brokers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California. JLS is recognized as one of the top 20 residential real estate brands in the nation. Last year, John L. Scott closed over 35,000 transactions, totaling more than 20 billion dollars in sales volume. In support of the company’s core value, Living Life as a Contribution®, the John L. Scott Foundation helped sponsor 29 events for 17 children’s hospitals in 2021, which helped raise over $15 million for children’s healthcare.