EWU News

Fall 2023 Academic Planning, Course Selection, and Registration

It feels like Spring Quarter just started, but we are already planning for next year’s Fall Quarter registration!

April 3, 2023

Advisors are hard at work reviewing students’ grades and working on academic plans to help assist students with questions they have about classes.

The first day that students may register for their next term classes is determined by their number of earned college level credits (classes students are currently enrolled in are not included). We refer to this as “Priority Registration” on our Academic Calendar. For the Fall 2023 term, the priority registration dates and corresponding earned credits are listed below:

  • May 15, 2023 Priority Registration for Special Populations
  • May 16, 2023 Priority Registration for 180+ Earned Credits
  • May 17, 2023 Priority Registration for 150–179 Earned Credits
  • May 18, 2023 Priority Registration for 120–149 Earned Credits
  • May 19, 2023 Priority Registration for 90–119 Earned Credits
  • May 22, 2023 Priority Registration for 60–89 Earned Credits
  • May 23, 2023 Priority Registration for 30–59 Earned Credits
  • May 24, 2023 Priority Registration for 0–29 Earned Credits
  • May 25, 2023 General Registration begins for all students, including new students

Students can find their earned credits in their EagleNET student portal by logging in and clicking on the “Student” tab, and then the “Student Profile” tile. Earned credits will be listed in the upper right under “Overall Hours”. For more information, click here.

What should a student do if they want help with selecting courses and registering?

We are here to help! For students who have not yet declared their major, they can reach out to the Center for Academic Advising & Retention by calling 509-359-2345 or visiting our website to schedule an appointment with their advisor. Declared students with a faculty advisor should reach out to them or the department to set up an appointment.

Meeting with an advisor can be beneficial for several reasons, including ensuring students enroll in the classes they need and progress towards graduation in a timely manner.

Do students need to wait for an advisor to reach out to them directly?

No, students are welcome and encouraged to be proactive by communicating with their advisor early, even weeks before their priority registration date, to discuss classes. The course schedule for the 2023 Fall Quarter term is published on April 17, 2023, which is when advisors like to start meeting with students to discuss Fall registration. Records & Registration and the Center for Academic Advising & Retention will send reminders about registration and invite students to make advising appointments, but students do not need to wait for that communication to begin a conversation about registering. Part of the student’s role and responsibilities as a college student is to be aware of the Academic Calendar and when registration periods begin.

What if there is an account hold that prevents registration?

At some point in a student’s academic career, they may experience a hold on their account that prevents them from registering. Registration holds can be processed by the departments identified within the error message a student receives when they attempt to register (for more information on all hold types, see here). Students can reach out directly to those departments for assistance resolving the hold.