EWU News

Thank You for Supporting GivingTuesday!

November 19, 2023

GivingTuesday update for Wednesday, Nov. 30

GivingTuesday was a success thanks to generous members of our Eagle community who made gifts that create opportunities for students.

As of midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 28, a total of $109,913 had been donated to funds that support EWU’s four colleges, athletics and other programs. That’s nearly $10,000 over the $100,000 goal!

Thank you so much to the EWU faculty, staff, students, board members, alumni and community friends who made gifts to support our Eagles! The final tallies are in. To learn who will receive the challenge gift matches, please visit the EWU GivingTuesday website. 

This was the first year of the giving competition and this feat wouldn’t have been possible without members of our community stepping up to help. The Annual Giving team extends a special thank you to the anonymous donors who made the matching challenge incentives possible.

Additional thank yous go out to these faculty and staff members who supported the giving competition:

  • Dean David Bowman, C-STEM, interim dean of CHSPH
  • Interim Dean Martha Raske, CPP
  • Acting Dean Florian Preisig, CAHSS
  • Athletic Director Tim Collins
  • Executive assistants and undergraduate and graduate services administrators who supported Giving Tuesday in their respective colleges
  • All the Eagles who promoted Giving Tuesday through their social media accounts and personal networks
  • University Advancement and Annual Giving staff who went above and beyond to help


Original Story:

Happy Holidays to our Eagle community!

GivingTuesday, the global give-fest that happens the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, comes around only once each year. But it can change lives for so much longer.

As faculty and staff members you make a difference for students at EWU every day. Thank you for the work you do, for your volunteering, and for making gifts that open doors for the Eagles students!

This year, GivingTuesday echoes President McMahan’s promotion of unity and belonging. Together, EWU faculty and staff members are encouraged to consider additional financial support for the university you love.

You can visit EWU/Give to search for areas to support. Or you can join our campus community in a fun-spirited competition between the university’s four colleges – and its EWU Athletics department. It’s easy to participate: You simply pick the fund(s) that supports your favorite college or make a gift to support Athletics. The decision is entirely up to you.

Here are the direct links to the funds to make it easy:

College of Health Science and Public Health

College of Professional Programs

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Eagle Athletics Fund

Amid all of the different ways to give, EWU makes a lifelong impact for students who are grateful for opportunities made possible by our generous university community.

Alex Moomaw, a 25-year-old majoring in computer science and cybersecurity operations, is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. Receiving scholarships, including the Steiner Family Endowed Scholarship, is helping him bridge financial gaps and continue on a path to become the first member of his family to earn a degree.

“I wouldn’t be able to go to school without any sort of scholarship funding,” Moomaw says.

Hailey Arland, 22 of Davenport, Washington, a second-generation Eagle, plans to become a speech language pathologist working with children who struggle to communicate. Receiving a scholarship created by Kenneth and Kathy Privratsky, an alumni couple who met while attending Eastern, allowed Alrand to reduce work hours to better focus on her future career.

“There’s not enough ways to say thank you for the money they have provided for students to attend school,” Arland says. “It’s helped me so, so much.”