EWU News

Homecoming Events for Families

It isn't called Eagle Family Homecoming for nothing!

October 5, 2023

This year we are celebrating 100 years of Homecoming at EWU! With many events happening all week long, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with your Eag on and off campus. As families of current students, we have special events meant just for you!

  • Light the Eagle Tower and Eagle Mad-Nest: Wednesday, Oct. 18 | 6:30 P.M. Watch the lighting of the water tower for Homecoming Week, then get a first look at the ’23-’24 mens, women’s, and wheelchair basketball teams!
  • Pep Rally, Bonfire, and Bed Races: Thursday, Oct. 19 | 6 – 9 P.M. If you’re able to come early for the weekend, Thursday night is an EWU tradition you don’t want to miss! Join the EWU community downtown Cheney to celebrate what it means to be an Eagle and witness the hilarious Bed Races. 
  • Eagle Eye View of Campus: Friday, Oct. 20 | 10 A.M. – 11 A.M. | 11 A.M. – 12 P.M & Saturday, Oct. 21 | 11 A.M. Get a 60-minute tour of campus through a student’s perspective. 
  • Walk Through the Decades: Friday, Oct. 20 | 8 A.M. – 4 P.M. Check out how EWU and Cheney has changed throughout the years! 
  • Preview EWU Colleges: Friday, Oct. 20 | 9:30 A.M. – 1 P.M. Learn about your student’s academic College by engaging with them in the PUB, getting a tour of their spaces, and meeting faculty. Hear from current students and faculty on their current focuses, projects and research, as well! 
  • Eagle Family Dinner: Friday, Oct. 20 | 4 – 7 P.M. After such a full Friday, join us for a buffet and fun! You can pick up your Homecoming Tshirt, as well! Students can use their meal plan for this meal. 
  • Alumni & Family Engagement Zone: Saturday, Oct. 21 | 1-4 P.M. Come grab snacks, your game day sticker, a Homecoming Tshirt, and engage with other families before the game begins! Located right outside of the Inferno Team Shop in P-12. 

For the full schedule, make sure to check out the Eagle Family Homecoming Website. We hope to see you on campus in a few short weeks!