EWU News

Pick Up Your Purchased Red Turf Today!

August 11, 2020 By Leilah Langley
EWU football field with new red turf installed

If you haven’t seen the new red turf at Roos Field, you might want to take a drive by the stadium to check it out. It’s incREDible! Now it is time to ensure that the retired original turf, which was removed from the field earlier this summer, finds its new home with Eagle Nation.

Sections of the original turf went on sale in July. Eager Eagles snatched it up quickly, raising more than $118,000 for student-athletes. Sales benefit the Eagle Athletic Fund, which provides much needed scholarship support, the building and maintenance of first-class facilities, and funding for all 14 sports programs at Eastern.

If you purchased turf during the sale, you are invited to pick up your new keepsake during the #EagleStrong Red Turf Pickup Party on Wednesday, Aug. 19 between noon and 7 p.m., at lot P-12 at Roos Field.

What to Expect

In order to create the safest and best experience for everyone, please follow these instructions:

  • Bring face masks for everyone in your car—we ask that you wear one when interacting with volunteers and staff.
  • Remain in your vehicle unless instructed otherwise.
  • This is a drive-through event—sorry, no tailgating or other social activities are permitted.
  • Prepare your vehicle to carry turf—it can be messy! Just pop your trunk or have your truck bed clear and we’ll load it for you.
  • Follow the signs and route (described below) to help us avoid long lines and traffic congestion. Please note: There is some road construction along Washington Street.

Driving Directions and Route

All vehicles must follow this route:

  • From Highway 904/First Avenue, take Betz Road west.
  • Betz Road curves south and becomes Washington Street.
  • Proceed up the hill toward Roos Field.
  • Turn right onto Tailgate Lane into Lot P-12 North.
  • Check in at Lot P-12 North and follow instructions for lane assignments. You may be asked to queue in line.
  • After picking up your turf and Eagle Store merchandise, proceed east on Woodward Lane for your photo opp.
  • Turn right onto Washington Street and proceed south to First Avenue.
  • Proceed northeast along First Avenue into downtown Cheney and support your local businesses!

Photos with the New Field and Red Turf

If you want a picture with the new bright red turf, just stop at our photo opp station along Woodward Lane as you leave Lot P-12. Roll down your windows, remain in your vehicles, and smile as our photographer takes your picture with Roos Field in the background. We’ll send out a link to your pictures in a follow-up email. Please do not exit your vehicle. Also, please do not park and step out onto the new turf—we will have opportunities for you to experience that in the future!

Support Cheney Businesses

We’ve teamed up with the West Plains Chamber and the Cheney Merchants Association to help support local businesses. Please consider visiting any of the local businesses offering drive-through, curbside, or take-out services.

Tune in to KEWU 89.5 FM

Join us from noon-7 p.m. for an entertaining and informative line-up of interviews, music, trivia, and more. Tune in from your car radio—or wherever you are—and join in the fun on-air. You can even call in song requests!

Eagle Store Merchandise

If you pre-purchased Eagle Store merchandise, you’ll pick it up right after you get your turf. Merchandise will not be available for sale at the event, however you can always purchase online and have it shipped to you!