EWU News

Introduction & Blog Announcement

January 3, 2022

Hello Eagle families! 

My name is Megan and I am the Assistant Director of New Student Transition and Family Programming here at Eastern Washington University. I started in this role in August and have truly enjoyed serving both EWU students and families so far. Eastern is a really special place and I’m lucky to be a part of this community that cares for its students. 

I’m a born and raised Michigan girl (GO BLUE!) and have my Master’s Degree in Student Affairs from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. I have four years of Housing experience under my belt, so you could say my love of working with college students runs deep. I especially love having the opportunity to supervise students, which is what I do with our Orientation staff! Witnessing students blossom into individuals and leaders is one of the many perks of my job. 

No day is ever the same on a college campus, and EWU is no different! One day there’s a football game, the next there’s a camel on campus, and that weekend the University’s theater department is putting on an incredible production… just to name a few. With that being said, there’s a lot to keep up with – especially as a family member of an Eagle! 

Because of this, we here at NSTFP want to make sure that you as a loved one are getting the right information at the time that’s most pertinent to you. Our plan is to release blog posts just like this one at least twice a month, written by campus experts that can provide insight on what you or your Eagle might need to know. Topics related to student success, future careers, major exploration, Orientation, financial aid and many more will be published just for you! 

So, if you haven’t yet, please subscribe to our email blast to get updates of when our blogs are published! Or, check out our website for our newest posts, Eagle Family Hours on Zoom, and information related to our Eagle Family council. 

You’ve let your Eagle fly the nest, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need support or information, too! Please feel free to contact us at parents@ewu.edu or 509.359.6843.