EWU News

Legislative Session 2020!

January 15, 2020
Aerial view of EWU campus with a stormy sky

Monday was an exciting day as the 2020 legislative session kicked off. Unlike a budget year where things warm up with the swearing-in of new members, a state of the state address from the Governor, and other ceremonial procedures, the 60-day supplemental session begins at an almost frantic pace. A full slate of committee hearings is already scheduled for this week and we are looking at, and giving input on, bills and budget proposals that will impact the university and our students.

Dr. Cullinan has been in Olympia this week and we have had meetings with the Governor and other elected officials. She’s been thanking legislators for the recent investments in higher education, introducing EWU to new members, and reminding everyone of the continuing challenges we face.

I have attached several session preview links from around the state that I hope you’ll find interesting, along with our EWU 2020 session priorities.

David Buri
Director of Government Relations
Office of the President