EWU News

Lights, Camera, Action – Movie Crew Filming at EWU

October 26, 2023

The architecture and spectacular fall backdrop on the Eastern Washington University campus have drawn the interest of filmmakers, as a crew will be shooting movie scenes at EWU over the next several weeks.

Staff with the production company Overcast LLC, out of Bellevue, Washington, have visited Eastern multiple times this fall to scout our various locations to be used in the filming of 213 Bones, a whodunit horror movie.

The administration is working with the crew to ensure the production does not interfere with classes or daily operations.

Filming will take place on the following dates/locations, mostly on Fridays and weekends, and you will see staff in orange vests in the production area as well as equipment trucks on these dates:

  • Oct. 27-29 (Fri./Sat./Sun.) – Filming throughout day/evening outside the Martin-Williamson Hall entrance and inside the building (Classroom 124 and hallway). Parking Lot P1A will be used for filming and will be closed off on Sat/Sun.
  • Nov. 3-5 (Fri./Sat./Sun.) – Filming continues in Williamson, JFK Library Archive Room and in front of Sutton Hall. Note: Emergency vehicles, including an ambulance and police cars, will on location Sunday, Nov. 5, in front of Sutton. If you are on campus please don’t be alarmed or call 9-1-1
  • Nov. 11-12 (Sat./Sun.) – Filming continues in front of Sutton Hall and Senior Hall as well as Martin Hall and Parking Lots 1A and 1C.

EWU Police and Risk Management are working with the production company on all the logistics.

As for why Eastern was chosen, co-producer Tyler Olson flew in from Los Angeles to scout the campus and thought it was a perfect fit for the movie.

“We chose Eastern Washington University for its picturesque scenery, classic architecture, and stunning autumn setting that will enhance the cinematic appeal of our film.  It truly is the perfect location for our movie,” says Olson.

213 Bones takes place in the 1990s amidst the grunge explosion. As a string of gruesome murders terrorize their campus, a group of college students race against time, piecing together cryptic clues to unmask the relentless killer lurking in their midst before they become the next victim.

Olson says the production will rely on staff mostly from the state of Washington, including the director.