EWU News

Move-In Reminders from EWU Housing

What your student should know before moving into the residence halls.

August 22, 2022
Photo: two male students in "Movers & Shakers" T-shirts pose during Move-In Day

Hey, Housing Eagles!

We are mere weeks away from Move-In and our teams are working diligently to get ready for your arrival. Housing Move-In days are two of our favorite days of the year and we go through a lot of planning to make it the most helpful and efficient process.

You will get more details about Move-In emailed to you in September, but here are some highlights – We will do drive-through key packet pick up above the football field. When space is available to unload, our team will send you down to your residence hall unloading area, volunteers will help you unload your vehicle and get you up to your room. Once your car is unloaded, one of your family or friends will move the vehicle so another resident can unload. There will be smiles, laughter, and maybe some tears; it will be a great day.

Here are some important things to know:

  • You must sign up for a timeslot – this is incredibly important to helping us make sure we spread out the arrivals and are able to give all of our residents the best move-in experience possible
    • If you have already received your hall assignment – this email should be in your EWU email
    • If you have not yet been assigned, the timeslot link will arrive in your hall assignment
    • You can find the timeslot sign up in your housing portal at housing.ewu.edu
  • Room number assignments will come out the first week of September
  • After 9/1, we will not be able to accommodate any room changes until after school has started
  • Attend the webinar! It is likely you still have several questions. We have the answers and look forward to answering them on Wednesday, 9/7 at noon. Sign up for the webinar here! 

We are so incredibly excited to meet our new residents, their families, and friends on 9/15 and 9/16.

Go Eags!

EWU Housing Office
E: housing@ewu.edu
P: 509.359.2451
Office: snyamncut 104