EWU News

Spokane Charitable Organization Matches $250,000 to Student Scholarships

April 2, 2021 By Leilah Langley
completed - krumble foundation - matching scholarship fund

When the Covid-19 pandemic began last year, Eastern Washington University knew it would have a devastating effect on some Eastern students. Many faced new financial and personal challenges like the loss of a job, new childcare or family needs, food insecurity or the challenges that come with online learning.

A new donor to EWU, the Krumble Foundation, recognized the need as well. Already committed to helping Eastern students financially, the donors wanted to encourage other donors to join them. They launched the Krumble Foundation Scholarship Match and asked new donors, or those who hadn’t given recently, to make a gift to support student scholarships. The foundation pledged to match those gifts, dollar-for-dollar, up to $250,000.

There couldn’t be a more perfect day than Giving Joy Day—EWU’s annual day dedicated to fundraising and spreading joy—to announce that the match has been met!

Dedicated Eastern supporters stepped up during a challenging time to gift more than $250,000 to student scholarships. And as promised, the Krumble Foundation is doubling the impact by matching $250,000 to its scholarship fund, the Soaring Eagle Scholarship.

“We are truly humbled to see how many Eastern supporters share our passion for helping students who show the hard work and dedication it takes to earn a degree,” say the Krumble Foundation donors. “Because you joined our challenge, even more students will have the funding they need to stay in school, the encouragement they need to stay inspired, and the real-world experiences necessary to be successful in the future.”

The Krumble Foundation aims to support students who show the grit it takes to earn a degree by working hard and overcoming obstacles. The Spokane charitable organization has generously pledged $1.35 million in direct financial aid to students who face challenges along their path to graduation. Click here to learn more about their targeted areas of support and how you can still join them. There is also still time to give to any area that means the most to you on Giving Joy Day. Please visit givingjoyday.org to join us.