EWU News

Tag: Chicana/o/x Studies

Student Presented With Governor’s Student Civic Leadership Award

Student Presented With Governor’s Student Civic Leadership Award

Mayra Velazquez’s work in partnership with Latinos en Spokane is improving life for Spokane’s Latino community.

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EWU Celebrates Hispanic Latinx/e Cultures and Histories

September 25, 2023

EWU Celebrates Hispanic Latinx/e Cultures and Histories

The Hispanic Latinx/e Heritage Gathering and Meet and Greet is rescheduled for Oct. 5.

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EWU’s Mariachi Las Águilas Plays for Spokane Indians Baseball Fans

August 20, 2023

EWU’s Mariachi Las Águilas Plays for Spokane Indians Baseball Fans

The student musicians also accepted a gift from the Spokane Indians in support of mariachi student scholarships.

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Eagle Grants Program Awards $37,000 in Funding

July 27, 2023

Eagle Grants Program Awards $37,000 in Funding

The funding will enhance learning and create opportunities for students.

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Your Support Helps Build a Community

November 17, 2020 by Leilah Langley

Elsa Chavez portrait

Thanks to generous donations on GivingTuesday, the Chicana/o/x Studies Endowment reached full funding! The fund will soon begin awarding scholarships to help more students reach their dreams.

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