EWU News

Tag: Government Relations

EWU Positions Itself as ‘The Region’s Polytechnic’ 

September 25, 2024

EWU Positions Itself as ‘The Region’s Polytechnic’ 

As the region’s polytechnic, EWU will expand on what it has done so well for so long — providing students with hands-on experiences that prepare them for professional success

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EWU Awarded $2.2 Million For Clean Energy Projects

September 13, 2024

Erik Budsberg standing in front of a large solar panel.

The state funding supports EWU’s work to create a sustainable campus while creating applied-learning opportunities that prepare students to tackle climate change as working professionals.

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Researchers Have a ‘New’ Home

May 17, 2024 by Melodie Little

EWU leadership along with state representatives Joe Schmick, Leonard Christian, Suzanne Schmidt and Mary Dye pose with a student who has big scissors and is cutting the ribbon

EWU celebrates the opening of the first phase of a renovation that is transforming the 1960s-era Science Building into a modern research hub.

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Advocacy in the Days of COVID

July 23, 2020

Photo: This photo shows the current EWU restoration site to be transformed to native prairie.

How the world and financial status of the state budget have changed since the legislature adjourned on March 12, 2020! The February quarterly revenue forecast had reflected unexpectedly robust growth, and the state was looking at ways to invest the additional $600 million. A short four months and COVID-virus later, and the state now faces

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Legislative Session 2020!

January 15, 2020

Aerial view of EWU campus with a stormy sky

Monday was an exciting day as the 2020 legislative session kicked off. Unlike a budget year where things warm up with the swearing-in of new members, a state of the state address from the Governor, and other ceremonial procedures, the 60-day supplemental session begins at an almost frantic pace. A full slate of committee hearings

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Exciting Week in Olympia!

November 22, 2019

Facade of Showalter Hall

I had the opportunity to represent EWU this week in Olympia as legislators gathered for Assembly Days. In preparation for the 2020 legislative session, legislators welcomed new members, assigned committees, and held work sessions that will help inform them on issues they will soon be addressing. Legislators were briefed on the November revenue forecast that

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Key Legislative Developments

October 25, 2019

Students walking through campus on a sunny morning

A New Speaker of the House Representative Laurie Jinkins (D, Tacoma) has been selected by her colleagues to serve as the next Speaker of the House. Speaker-designate Jinkins is a public health director who was elected to the House in 2011 and will be the first female Speaker in Washington State history. The legislative directors

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50% of Students at EWU Graduate with No Debt

September 27, 2019

The sun breaks through a stormy sky over campus

If you follow higher education news at all today, you constantly hear the concern about the cost of a college degree and rising student debt. At Eastern Washington University, we are thankful for the investments the legislature has made during the past six years to keep Washington public universities affordable. A brief presentation, given to

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Summer Recap

September 13, 2019

Rolling hills of the Palouse Prairie behind campus

What a busy and productive summer traveling and visiting with legislators throughout the state. Since the end of the legislative session in May, I have met with many members and am consistently impressed with the quality of our legislators. It is always interesting to learn how they became interested in the political process and what they

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2019 Legislative Session Adjourns with Wins for EWU

May 2, 2019

Students participating in Pass Through the Pillars tradition

The legislature adjourned on time, April 28, with historic outcomes for higher education. One of the key outcomes is the passage of the Workforce Education Investment Act (HB 2158), which creates a dedicated revenue source for higher education totaling $373.8 M for the 2019-21 biennium. The act includes a number of higher education investments and

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