EWU News

Tag: Krumble Foundation

Krumble Foundation Stipends Change Lives and Better Communities

August 19, 2022

Group of scholarship recipients standing in a row.

Foundation support has helped nearly three dozen students take on unpaid internships working for nonprofits and government agencies.

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Spokane Charitable Organization Matches $250,000 to Student Scholarships

April 2, 2021 by Leilah Langley

completed - krumble foundation - matching scholarship fund

“We are truly humbled to see how many Eastern supporters share our passion for helping students who show the hard work and dedication it takes to earn a degree,” say the Krumble Foundation donors.

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EWU and the Krumble Foundation: A Partnership Built Upon Grit

January 15, 2021 by Leilah Langley

Lorren Morgan portrait

A new donor to EWU recognizes the potential in Eastern students and has signed on to help support those who show the moxie it takes to earn a degree. The Krumble Foundation, a Spokane charitable organization, has generously pledged $1.35 million in scholarship support to ensure more students see graduation day.

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For Students Facing Financial Hardships, Micro-Grants Have a Powerful Impact

April 2, 2020 by Leilah Langley

Emily Rhodes portrait

As students prepare to learn in virtual settings for the spring quarter, many are also managing the financial consequences that come with new technology needs, housing changes, food insecurity and unemployment.

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