EWU News

Tag: President

Getting to know Shari McMahan, the woman chosen to be EWU’s new president, in her own words

Newly-appointed Eastern Washington University president Shari McMahan listens to a question during her candidate forum in Cheney.

Excerpts from one of McMahan’s public forums during her visit to Cheney on February 4

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Cultivating Culture Brings Campus Community Together

October 12, 2022

Cultivating Culture Brings Campus Community Together

President Shari McMahan greeted attendees and introduced workshop facilitator, Tiffany Wentz, a mental health professional with extensive expertise in coaching wellness, resilience and organizational culture.

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About Shari McMahan, PhD

About Shari McMahan, PhD

As president, Shari McMahan, PhD, is the principal administrative officer of Eastern Washington University and has general supervision of all operations and programs of the institution. The president carries out the rules and regulations established by the EWU Board of Trustees and state law. Shari McMahan came to EWU after serving as the provost and

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Eagle 1 Newsletter: September 2022

September 21, 2022

Eagle 1 Newsletter: September 2022

Dear Eagle Family and Friends,

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President McMahan Celebrates Eastern’s Impact In Welcome Address

Welcome Address given by Dr. McMahan

In her inaugural delivery of EWU’s annual welcome speech, Dr. McMahan said the campus community is “achieving greatness.”

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Traditional Bell Ringing Kicks off the Year

September 12, 2022

Traditional Bell Ringing Kicks off the Year

Alumnus James Anderson, a retired educator who funded the restoration of Eastern’s one-room schoolhouse, rang the bell with President Shari McMahan.

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