EWU News

Tag: VCD

Marina Gulova

May 16, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: student Marina Gulova

Marina Gulova studies visual communication design at Eastern Washington University. In graphic design, she believe that you get out of it what you put into it. And if you work hard to come up with the best possible design product, the result will be something you’re proud of.

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Lucas Josue

by eastern247

Photo: student Lucas Josue

Lucas Josue studies visual communication design. His favorite aspect of the program is receiving critiques, and he considers it the best way to develop.

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Kira Kallem

by eastern247

Photo: student Kira Kallem

Kira Kallem is studying visual communication design at Eastern Washington University. Having teachers that provide assignments with outside clients has exposed her to new possibilities of what she could do in the professional world.

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Ellen Picken

by eastern247

Photo: student Ellen Picken

Graphic design has allowed Ellen Picken to do what she loves by being precise and communicating for others. Her favorite graphic design medium is murals, and she has recently designed a mural for a four-story building in downtown Seattle.

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Ashley Jhaveri

by eastern247

Photo: student Ashley Jhaveri

Ashley Jhaveri always enjoyed engaging people and learning about how different cultures interact, and studying VCD has allowed her to explore the impact design has on everyone’s lives.

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