EWU News

Upcoming Career Center Events Connect Students with Opportunities

October 13, 2023

Hone your networking skills and meet nearly 100 employers at two upcoming events sponsored by EWU’s Career Center: the All Majors Career Fair and the Etiquette Dinner. 

The annual All Majors Career Fair will be held from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 26 in the PUB NCR. Students attending the fair will have the opportunity to meet potential employers and network, gaining crucial early access to the job market. 

“This is an opportunity for students to be around employers in an environment they’re comfortable in,” says Rahel Wondimu, office manager at the Career Center. The fair format, she says, will allow students to browse the booths of potential employers, ask questions and learn about the wide variety of career paths available to them. 

Event organizers say it’s key that students consider attending these events early in their college careers. For first and second year students, this can “broaden their horizons on what they can do with their degree,” says Casey Mowatt, EWU’s internships in employer relations coordinator. Career fairs can also provide students with access to internships in addition to full-time jobs, she says 

Romeal Watson, the center’s associate director for employer relations, encourages students to share “what they’re hoping to do with their career goals” with these potential employers.  If you don’t know, he says, a visit to the Career Fair is the perfect opportunity to learn what jobs are out there. 

Students can prepare resumes and cover letters for the event with the Career Center. The center holds drop in hours every Friday, and prep sessions will be scheduled at a future date. More information and registration for these sessions will be posted on the Career Center’s Handshake. Not sure what to wear? The center has examples on their website and Pinterest pages.  

The newly revitalized Etiquette Dinner, which begins at 5 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 15 in Hargreaves 201, is another opportunity for brushing up on networking skills. Topics such as fine-dining  etiquette, effective communication and nonverbal cues will be discussed. 

Etiquette dinner attendees will learn how to make an excellent impression and gain invaluable skills and confidence in all dining settings,” explains Marissa Rudley, this year’s dinner speaker. “It’s not about following strict rules, but about showing up with confidence and general courtesy.”

“People don’t realize how much credence networking has,” adds Mowatt, who estimates that 60% to 80% of jobs are found through networking opportunities. The Etiquette Dinner aims to teach students how to make the most of  professional dining settings, while also maximizing networking opportunities. The event — multicourse meal included — is free to students who register on Handshake. 

Overall, these opportunities are a place for students to “safely make mistakes,” adds John Mangiantini, director of the Career Center. “The best thing you can do to land your dream job is to engage early.” Both of these events, he says, will give EWU students the opportunity to do just that. 

Visit the Career Center website for updates and additional information.