EWU News

Wellbeing Coaching

Holistic Wellness at EWU

April 29, 2022
Photo: students on Showalter lawn

College life can bring many transitions for your college student, including living on their own, managing their finances, grocery shopping, balancing a schedule and finding support networks in a new environment. Eastern Washington University wants your student to thrive in college and graduate! There are many different resources, services and supports for students both personally and academically. One of these supports is wellbeing coaching offered through Counseling and Wellness Services.

Wellbeing coaching is an avenue to help students reach their wellbeing goals. Topics for coaching may include: physical activity, healthy eating, stress management, improving sleep, self-care, financial health, or improving social networks. During one-on-one sessions your student can work with a wellbeing  coach to develop a vision for their overall wellbeing. Using internal motivation for change and setting small, realistic steps to reach the end goal, the coach will act as a guide.  Students can meet with a coach throughout the academic year at no cost as many times as needed. Wellbeing coaching is designed to help students with small, acute challenges that college may bring. New environments, new living situations, new experiences can challenge and push students and reaching out for some extra support to gain tools, skills and set realistic expectations and goals for themselves can help keep them on track to graduate.

Wellbeing coaching is not counseling or therapy, and if it is determined that counseling would better fit your student’s needs, they will be referred to appropriate services. If you feel your student may need a little extra support during their time at EWU, don’t hesitate to point them in our direction. We look forward to helping your student succeed while at EWU and beyond. More information and setting up an appointment online, can be found on our webpage.

Counseling & Wellness Services
Counseling Office: 225 Martin Hall
Wellness Office: 201 URC