EWU News

What You Need to Know About the EWU Scholarship Application

Did you know EWU has their own scholarship application? Did you know that this allows EWU students to apply for over 900 scholarships at the same time?  

November 18, 2022

Welcome to scholarship season! Fall and winter is the time of year that scholarship applications are opening all over the US for the next school year. If you have a perspective or current EWU student in your life that plans to attend EWU for the 2023-2024 school year, this information is for you. What’s great about our scholarship application is that students are only competing for scholarships against other EWU students. Often with a national scholarship, students compete with thousands of other students from all over the country.

The 2023-2024 EWU Scholarship Application opened on November 1, 2022 and will close on February 1, 2023. This is a hard deadline so mark your calendars.

The application is completed online and can be found at ewu.edu/scholarships. Select the red “Apply Now!” box next to the EWU Scholarship Application Section to apply.

What to have ready for the application

  1. Your EWU NetID and Password
  2. Academic Transcripts
    1. High school transcripts for 2022 high school graduates and students with fewer than 40 college credits
    2. All former college transcripts including EWU and running start
  3. Essays
    1. There are 5 short essays that are limited to 300 words each. Topics include: Reasons for major and plans for the future, details on volunteer/community service, challenges on your journey to college, plans for funding, and why you should be selected.

Other Important Tips for this Season:

-These essay questions are common. Complete our application and save your essay answers to use on other applications.

-The essay is where the scholarship committee gets to know you. Be specific and have a proofreader.

-The EWU priority FAFSA and WASFA deadline is February 1, 2023. Applying for aid with one of these applications can be a way to help pay for school.


Financial Aid and Scholarship Office

Office: 333 Eagle LN, 102 Sutton Hall, Cheney, WA 99004

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Phone: 509.359.2314 Fax: 509.359.4330
Email: finaid@ewu.edu

